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Hair lightener. Make your own hair lightener

Submitted by Kate


  • 2 cups water
  • 2 cups chamomile tea
  • 1 tablespoon of parsley
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
Boil all the ingredients and let it simmer for 15 mins. Strain out the tea bags and parsley (make sure to remove all of the parsley) and let it sit till room temperature. Poor on to hair over a sink and rinse two or three times. Your hair should be smelling nice and looking lighter!

The following was sent in by Answers

Before I answer the questions that have been asked 20X, first you need to understand how hair lightening works. When you lighten your hair, this is not something that will "fade" or can be undone. It's something that is permanent (except for covering it with darker dye).

When you go to a salon to have you hair professional chemically lightened, this is a two-step process. Or if you buy hair lightener in a box - same thing. The "developer" (usually a mixture of peroxide and ammonia = very harsh) opens the hair shaft and strips it of its natural color. Then the (blonde) dye is added to achieve the new shade. Results are different on each person, depending on the natural color of your hair.

This chamomile/lemon mixture acts in the exact same manner - except it is a "natural" method and not chemical. The lemon juice is the natural "developer" and the chamomile adds the warm blonde tones (unique to each person depending on the natural color of your hair.

If you've previously dyed your hair darker than its natural color (i.e. dyed it black), then your hair has not been stripped of its real color. The shaft has been opened and a darker pigment has been added. This will fade over time if you stop dying it black.


Q: Will it work on naturally jet black hair?
A: No.

Q: Will it work on hair that is dyed black?
A: No. Not until the black dye fades or grows out.

Q: Can I use lime juice instead?
A: No. Lemon juice is a natural developer.

Q: Can it be bottled lemon juice?
A: Yes.

Q: Do I have to sit in the sun?
A: No. But if you don't then you need to use a hair dryer because it is the HEAT that makes the lemon juice work. 20 minutes with a hair dryer is as effective as 3 hours in the sun.

Q: Can I use a different tea?
A: No. The chamomile tea is what gives it the natural looking blonde tones.

Q: Can I just use lemon juice and nothing else?
A: Yes. The lemon juice is primarily what lightens the hair via a natural "chemical reaction." BUT it will look more bleach-blondy and harsh without the tea's tones.

Q: Will it work on brown (even dark brown) hair?
A: Yes. Not as effectively, but yes. You'll need to use more lemon, more heat, etc.

Q: Will it fade?
A: No. You've permanently lightened the hair.

Q: Should I wash my hair afterward?
A: Yes. After you have HEATED it with sun or blow dryer, wash it because the lemon will continue to dry out your hair.

Q: Do I need parsley?
A: No. Parsley promotes shine and hair growth. In this mixture it acts as the conditioner. It does nothing to contribute to lightening it. You can just use conditioner when you're done lightening instead.

Visitors comments

NATURAL BRUNETTE EFFECTS Comments By: Becca on 2009-08-08
i have natuarally brown hair, with natural dark blond streaks in it. my hair is not dark brown but in the middle, like a rich light brown. i did this and nothing happened to my hair after i left it in for about 40 minutes. so i did it again afterwards but i added more lemon juice to try and make it stronger, this time i left it in for an hour and still no changes ! i tried blow drying my hair after as well to do that whole "heat thing" and it didn't do anything. i got all excited and nothing happened :(
BLACK HAIR Comments By: Natty on 2009-08-19
chamomile tea Comments By: Grey on 2009-09-11
How many tea bags should i use?
havnt done it yet !... Comments By: daniielle x on 2009-09-21
will thiis work on dark brown / black hair ! ?? x
Redish blonde hair Comments By: Keely on 2009-10-30
Has anyone with Red or redish blonde hair tried this? I don't want to do it and it end up awful! Also, will it fade? Because if I don't like it, I don't want it there forever and I don't like groen out roots.
lemon juice Comments By: lala on 2009-11-14
does it have to be actual lemon juice freshly sceazed or can it be from the botels of lemon juice u get?

Brilliant! Comments By: Avalin on 2009-11-29
I tried this receipe for 4 days solid after a hairdye turned my light brown hair into a mid dark brown which I hated. After rinsing my hair with the solution for 10 minutes, I wrung out my hair, and smoothered in Pantene Clarifying shampoo. Left it for an hour and then rinsed and conditioned. My hair lightened up dramatically and I have an even better hair colour than when I started 5 days ago. Another tip, add more lemon juice to speed up the lightening process. As long as you use a good conditioner and use lots of it, you can't go wrong. Excellent tip, better than anything else I've tried and I've tried the lot!!
tea? Comments By: Jennifer on 2009-11-29
well i have chamomile tea but does it have to be only chamomile?cause i have chamomile with mango tea and i have chamomile with anis tea
Do you HAVE to rinse?1?!?!?!?!? Comments By: Wondering on 2009-12-10
I personally havent used it yet. But my hair takes a loong time to dry.plus I'm usually in a hurry. do you have to rinse this out?
Whoops! Comments By: Liz on 2009-12-15
whoops i used corriander insted of parsley! will it still work?

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