Home : Health : Remedies : Hangovers

So you have over done it a little and you’ve got the hangover from hell. There is no cure for a hangover you have it and that is that. However read on for a few tips to avoid them in the first place and a few ideas to relieve the symptoms.

 2 Glasses of Water
 To prevent a hangover, drink two full glasses of water before you go ...

 Benadryl and Gatorade
 After a night of drinking and smoking, take two Benadryl Sinus and ...

 No matter how drunk you are this will always work: Simply eat a spoon ...

 Cure a Hangover with dill pickle juice
 Before going to bed after drinking, drink a glass of dill pickle ...

 Alcohol can cause dehydration and make you feel very thirsty. It also ...

 Drink milk
 Drink a glass of milk or milkshake before you go out, as the milk ...

 Drink water
 Drink water. Before you go out, while you're drinking, when you get ...

 Drinks to avoid
 Avoid dark coloured drinks such as red wine, brandy, port and sherry.

 Eat a meal
 Eat a meal before you start drinking to help your body to absorb the ...

 Fruit juice
 Drink plenty of fruit juice. Fruit contains a natural sugar called ...

 Got a hangover? Have another!
 If you wake up with a hangover in the morning after a night of ...

 Gross hangover tongue tip
 Use a fresh bit of lemon and rub on tongue then gargle water. As u ...

 Hangovers? Try honey or even coleslaw
 Eat a piece of toast with honey spread on it or eat a couple forkfuls ...

 You can prevent hangovers by taking just two teaspoons of honey ...

 To cure a hangover, cut a lemon in half and rub the freshly cut part ...

 No one is immune
 No one is immune from a hangover. Even people who regularly drink ...

 Non alcoholic drinks
 The only sure way to avoid a hangover is to stick to non alcoholic ...

 One on, One off
 Try the 'one on one off' technique by interspersing alcoholic drinks ...

 Take a paracetamol-based painkiller the next day. Avoid aspirin as it ...

 Prevent a hangover
 Never pass out if you have had too much to drink. Let your body ...

 Set limits
 Limit yourself to one drink per hour. This will give your body time ...

 Ultimate tips to cure even the worst hangovers
  Okay, all of us who have boozed heavily enough to wake up thinking ...

 Replenish your vitamin supply by eating lots of vegetables. Thin, ...

 Drink a glass of water before going out to a party and then when you ...

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