So you have overdone it in the sun, the pain is setting in and your skin is starting to feel too small for your body. We have all been there. The main problem I find is when you really are starting to suffer all the shops are closed and you cannot rush out for some aftersun or similar. Help is at hand. All you need to relieve the pain of sunburn is probably already in your cupboards.
Aloe vera
Just buy fresh aloe vera or alternatively grow them in a pot at home. ...
Aloe vera leaf
Split a aloe plant leaf lenghtwise and apply sap to skin. Feels slimy ...
Baking Soda
Baking Soda (Bicarbonate of soda) can soothe the sting of sunburn, ...
Baking soda in the bath
Add a handful of baking soda to a bath of warm water and soak for a ...
Another one you can try , is Calendula. This is a good all round ...
Cold milk
Another tip is to dip a cotton wool ball into some cold milk and ...
Cold yoghurt
I was told years ago that to relieve sunburn, spread plain cold ...
Direct action
Lightly rub white vinegar on the affected area. It will ease the ...
Egg white
Whip an egg white and beat in a teaspoon of caster oil. Apply to the ...
Have a shower
At the end of your day, take a shower and slowly turn the cold water ...