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COLD SORE GONE withen 24 hours, no joke!

Submitted by cowboy

Alright I came on this site looking for remedies for a nasty cold sore that I developed last night. So I took all into consideration and here's how I got rid of my multiple cold sores overnight.

First I popped the sores using a sterile needle and then got nail polish remover and put some on a cotton swab and held it on the sores for about 20-30 minutes and repeated that many times. While doing that I made a little potion by mixing peroxide in a cup and adding salt and crushed aspirin very finely and adding the aspirin to the peroxide and salt. Then after stirring I let it sit for a while. 

Right before bed I took the "potion" and applied it to my sores not rinsing off and letting dry to my lips went to bed on that and my cold sores were gone when I woke. The next morning I put on neosporin for the scabs and my cold sore was gone within 24 hours. also Ice during every part of having a cold sores kills the virus.

Visitors comments

Scary azz Comments By: Tiffany on 2011-06-04
Im very scared of puttin remover on my faces what if?
i do think its working. Comments By: kitana on 2011-06-10
i do think its working. it hurts EXTREMELY bad, a huge burning sensation but i feel it working. at leats i really really hope it does. my birthday is next week and i want this sucker gone NOW. so, im desparate to try anything lets hope you can be my lifesaver dear.
SEE YOUR DOCTOR!!! TRUST ME Comments By: Taylor on 2011-06-12
the best thing you can possibly do is see your doctor ASAP! i tried this and it just gave my cold sore a yellowish color and made it swell up 2x worse. My doctor prescribed me ACYCLOVIR 200MG CAPSULES. I took one and within the first hour the cold sore and the swelling were muchh better. PLEASE DON'T WASTE YOUR TIME AND MONEY ON CRAP THAT DOESN'T EVEN WORK. i tried everything but this seems to be the only thing that worked.
listen up Comments By: somehelpmaybe on 2011-06-13
okay i´ve been skeptical about every remedy there is on the internet but since i´m blessed with a cold sore at least once in ever 2 months then i thought i might as well try.
the nail polish remover thing is an old trick. but i´ve learned not to keep it on over 5 minutes or so because its general effect should be to kill bacteria meaning the virus and clean the area. if you keep it on longer, it makes your lip all swollen and red. also, try to keep it on the lip skin ONLY because if your sore is near to the edge of the lip(which they often are, little bastards) and you keep the nail polish remover on your normal skin, it peels off in a couple of days in a bad way. not cool. i´ve tried the patches. they dont speed up anything in my opinion, they just keep it clean, yes but to pay that much money? they´re not worth it. same goes for every other goo or gel that they sell at the shops. never worked for me.
the tea-bag also does nothing. you might as well keep a wet tissue on it, same effect, it just gets moisturized which is good but if you plan to go that way then i suggest you use vaseline.
so yesterday i felt a cold sore coming up. it was quite small when i discovered it but having a history for some nasty spreading sores, i took action straight away. naturally, not having any money and running low on the nail polish remover, i googled and found this. the 24 hour thing ofc is bollocks. but i must say it did speed up the process. here´s what i did.
i took a clean needle(i think) and broke the little sore i had as badly as possible so it wouldnt have a chance to grow into something bigger. ofc i had some nail polish remover left to dab on the area around it so the virus wouldnt spread. i dont mean cutting off half your lip, just the sore part. then i kept the nail polish remover on for about 6 minutes time and mixed sth like the mixture on this website. i dont have any idea what peroxide is so i skipped that(might be the fact that i live in estonia and what google said, its some kind of bleach?wouldnt put that on any part of my skin thank you.). i took regular salt(about 2 teaspoons), crushed an aspirin pill and mixed it together with some strong toothpaste(doesnt matter which toothpaste actually) i applied it to my lip and it didnt even sting(too much). then i had to go out and having this 32C weather outside, ofc my lip got swollen and worse(keep away from the sun as well, UV light has been known to actually cause cold sores if too much. dno if its true. but the heat thing defenitely is. dont take warm baths.) but when i came home i put on the mixture for the night and by the morning,believe it or not, the sore had a scab. never in my life has a sore gotten a scab within 24 hours. so the page is right in a way, the SORE was gone, now i have a healing scab. putting on vaseline in every 2 hours helps to heal the scab faster. once your lip has a scab, dont let it get dry or pull it off, it´ll heal quicker like this.
also, dont be sad or stressed about your sores, they´ll go away eventually, my longest one stayed on for 14 days and just when all cleared up, a new one formed. no need to say i was moody and bitchy with everyone. but the stress makes it worse.

desprate!!!! :/ Comments By: Daniella on 2011-06-14
ha my boyfriend and i havent seen eachother in 2 weeks. i am 14 and i got 2 cold sores the day b4 im able to see him. i told him i wasnt able to kiss him. so that really bugged me. now seeing him im bummbed i cant kiss him. needed a potion to make it go away FAST!!! so i am hoping this works. from seeing all of the comments. :) yeah im pretty sure it will.
PATIENTCE Comments By: jamie on 2011-07-06
although this may work for some people, i like to keep it old fashioned . i just apply hydrogen peroxide SEVERAL times a day in LARGE quanities. i drink lots of water and hold ice cubes on it . i repeat this day after day and after lots of patience and about 4 days it will be less noticeable , but keep in mind it takes 10 days , at least , for a cold sore to run its FULL corse . i prefer blistex chapstick CONSTANTLY also , even when i dont have a cold sore , it helps protect . best of luck , Jamie
Gone in less than 24 hours! Comments By: Cameron Coldsore on 2011-07-07
This is the first cold sore I have gotten in over a year. Normally I can feel one coming on ( headache, dry facial skin and lips ) and I take Valtrex early on, and I never even get the cold sore. This time, however, the cold sore came on instantly, and had 4 pussy bumps in a matter of hours. Here's what I did to get it away in less than 24 hours:

1. Take 2 valtrex immediately and 2 more that night before I went to bed.
2. Wash my face every 4 hours with mild soap, no scrubbing. Use a fresh towel to pat dry each time.
3. Apply some old spice aftershave (contains alcohol) to the cold sores, pressing lightly with a Q-tip. you do NOT want to pop the blisters. (If you pop them, you will get scarring and redness. If you don't pop them, these sores can literally disappear... no redness)
3. Wait 15 minutes. Apply anbesol (cold sore medication containing numbing ingredients, so you dont feel any itch) to the cold sores.
4. LIBERALLY apply Carmex to the rest of your lips.
I repeated this every 4 hours, and in less than 24 hours my cold sores have disappeared, and the redness is even gone. By keeping them moist, AND taking Valtrex, you are able to quickly restore your lips to their original state, without having to endure any uncomfortable scabbing stage.

This worked in the middle of my outbreak Comments By: Brooke on 2011-07-08
I was sitting on my couch feeling sorry for myself trying to look up new ways to cure my cold sore when I came upon this home remedy. I only get a cold sore when I have been out in the sun for a long time and this was my first on in 2 years. I took a Valtrex at the first sign and starting using Abbreva but the sore came out anyway.
I had probably 2 or 3 sores on my bottom lip that where open and weeping and when I applied the fingernail polish remover they dried up in 3 hours!!! I then applied the paste of salt, aspirin and peroxide and went to bed and sure enough this morning my lip was starting to heal. The blisters where gone and I started applying Neosporin today and I suspect by tomorrow the blister will be almost gone! Next time I start to feel one coming on I am reaching straight for my fingernail polish remover

i hope this stuff works Comments By: j on 2011-07-12
im 16 and im tried of waiting for this to go away
Best Remedy Ever Comments By: Anon on 2011-07-14
I started this remedy last night around 10pm. Its now 4:30pm the following day and my cold sore looks like a small bump similar to a pimple.
THE REAL WAY, NO PAIN REQUIRED. Comments By: Samoné on 2011-07-28
Um, obviously. Nothing will make it go away faster, it may work for some people but I wouldn't risk it!!! The best thing to do is go to the doctor, or just don't open your mouth, get it wet, or too hot! If you get hungry, make a smoothie and drink through a straw so you don't have to open your mouth too wide.
Nail Polish or Nail Polish REMOVER? Comments By: LorriAnne on 2011-07-29
I see people on here saying they used nail POLISH, not nail polish REMOVER.

People, get it right! You're supposed to use the REMOVER. Dang.

Don't complain about it not working when you used the WRONG STUFF!!!

Of course you ended up with worse problems, because, like a five year old, you did NOT follow directions.

You got what you deserved.

Bio Propolis! Really really does work! Comments By: charly on 2011-08-03
Hi , i've been suffering with coldsores my whole life and have always used zovirax, it does work but take s up to 2 weeks for the coldsore to start scabbing over etc.
I came across a new product called Bio-Propolis, its natural and much more concentrated and cuts my coldsore lifespan in half!
I also take 1000mg of vitamin c everyday whilst i have a coldsore, with the two combined i can reduced my coldsore to approx 5-6 days.

I've had this thing for weeks Comments By: Sarah on 2011-08-26
I got my coldsore on Aug 8th, and it's now the Aug26th, I have tried everything, zovirax, abreva, aloe vera, toothpaste, I just put that potion stuff on it and it burns like a bitch!!! I am praying to god this works.....
the potion is purple Comments By: Sarah on 2011-08-27
the potion is purple & it burns
I tried it and... Comments By: Sarah on 2011-08-28
So I tried the nail polish remover thing, I didn't do the full 20-30minutes, instead I dabbed it on for about 2-3minutes and it irritated the hell out of it, making it red. I think some people's skin is more sensitive than others. So instead of nail polish remover use rubbing alcohol or witch hazel. I used witch hazel. I did the "potion". I had to do it for two nights in a row and on the 2nd night when I woke up, it scabbed up and peeled off. But 1. the potion burns, it burns!!! if you can withstand the burn do it, 2. it scars so use neosporin or scarzone immediately!
Taking the remedy up a notch. Comments By: Rick on 2011-08-30
If you permanently want to get rid of cold sores, you can and it depends on how much pain you can handle. First, put Vaseline AROUND the fluid filled cold sore and NOT ON it. Second, with water, lightly damp the cold sore. Third, put a piece of DRY ICE on the cold sore so that it sticks to the skin. Keep it there until the pain becomes unbearable. Take off the dry ice with some warm water and tweezers. Two things should happened either the blister will completely fall off or have disintegrated. Dry off where the blister was and remove the Vaseline with several paper napkins. Put liquid (not gel) superglue around and then on the blister's location. Leave the glue on until it comes off naturally. This is a very painful way of getting rid of a cold sore no doubt. However, I had a HUGE cold sore on my lower lip when I was 17. Once I did this, it never came back and I'm now 41.

Good luck!

Cure Comments By: John on 2011-09-17
I want this cold sore of mine to go. Cock block so they spread to genital herpes if you touch it too much and have a little scratch.
Ohh flip no Comments By: Selena on 2011-10-20
What the flip no no no scab with a scar on it ohh NO! just no dont try this.

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