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Swollen Taste Bud, clip it off
Submitted by Karen Alexandre
This may sound crazy.. But if you have a swollen taste bud just take a sterilized nail clipper and clip it off. I know is sounds painful but it works. You can sterilize the nail clipper with rubbing alcohol. FYI, it would be best to use the smallest nail clipper you can find like and infant's nail clipper. Try to keep your mouth clean with "Glycerin" which you can find in any health food store. Just wrap a cotton ball on the tip of your finger and saturate the cotton ball with glycerin then clean all around your mouth (gums, teeth, tongue and cud-which is the walls of your mouth).
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Are you serious?
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Dr.Anna Stewart on 2011-01-18
I cannot believe that anybody would be stupid enough to suggest this practice en masse via the internet. The tongue is very sensitive, easily infected and can bleed profusely after even a small cut.
Your body is like a finely tuned engine. If something 'minor' goes wrong, such as a spot or a swollen 'taste bud', there is a reason. Food is fuel for the body - put cheap contaminated petrol or diesel into your car engine and you'll have problems. Same with your body - fill it with processed foods, artificial sweetners, excess alcohol, etc. and you'll have problems.
These are a sign that your body is not being fed the right food - several people have mentioned salty seeds/nuts as a possible cause and they could be right - too much salt is bad for your body - it causes high blood pressure, kidney problems etc.
The cure is simple - eat as much unprocessed food as possible, get at least 5 portions of fresh veg and fruit every day. Avoid junk food such as crisps, salted nuts, salted seeds, chocolate, alcohol in excess. Small treats every now and again are ok but not every day, I like my chocolate too but keep it as a treat for Sunday afternoons! Small portions of unsalted, unprocessed nuts and seeds are good for you but 7/8 nuts is a more than adequate portion. Oral hygiene is also very important, brush your teeth twice a day and floss every night at bedtime, no matter how tired you are. There is ever growing evidence that heart disease is strongly linked to oral hygiene and that heart disease begins in early teens, by the time any symptoms appear the damage has been done.
If you can honestly say you eat a healthy balanced diet, excellent oral hygiene, and an overall healthy lifestyle, but are still having problems, then please go and see your doctor or dentist asap to get checked out. Don't 'cut it off' DIY style at home, you could end up with even bigger problems such as infection, unstemmed bleeding, and even miss the early symptoms of mouth cancer.
As a GP I would rather see patients when problems start rather than 5 years later only to discover they have been cancerous and it's too late to do anything about it. Remember that is what your GP is for - 5 minutes in their surgery could save years of heartache later in life and any good doctor will not see people with symptoms such as these as 'time wasters'.
Please, please DO NOT cut these off your self at home!
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