Home : Health : Remedies : Mouth ulcers : Swollen Taste Bud, clip it off

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Swollen Taste Bud, clip it off

Submitted by Karen Alexandre

This may sound crazy.. But if you have a swollen taste bud just take a sterilized nail clipper and clip it off. I know is sounds painful but it works. You can sterilize the nail clipper with rubbing alcohol. FYI, it would be best to use the smallest nail clipper you can find like and infant's nail clipper. Try to keep your mouth clean with "Glycerin" which you can find in any health food store. Just wrap a cotton ball on the tip of your finger and saturate the cotton ball with glycerin then clean all around your mouth (gums, teeth, tongue and cud-which is the walls of your mouth).

Visitors comments

Clip Them Off Comments By: Shar on 2008-11-07
I have clipped off both bad taste buds big as a pea and also saliva glands inside my lower lip. Good results the dang things are gone! My Doctor wouldn't touch the one on my tongue said it was flat and going nowhere. But one day it got burned and infected. I could not wait. Out come the slant nail clippers. Hooray for me. Better immediately. Healed in less than a week. The tongue really bleed so get it done right quick as you can.
Clip Them Off Comments By: Shar on 2008-11-07
I have clipped off both bad taste buds big as a pea and also saliva glands inside my lower lip. Good results the dangs things are gone! My Doctor wouldn't touch the one on my tongue said it was flat and going nowhere. But on day it got burned and infected. I could not wait. Out come the slant nail clippers. Hooray for me.
Clip it! Clip it good! Comments By: Blair RN on 2008-11-16
I agree with the piercer! Clipping off a taste bud is nowhere near the trauma of a tongue piercing and I dont think I have ever heard of an infected tongue ring. Look at it this way, if you have a huge white head on your face do you leave it because in a few days it will heal itself and popping it might make it infected? Probably not! You pop that sucker! This is the same concept. Yes your mouth is filled with bacteria, but they are bacteria your body is used to, its YOUR MOUTH!!! So unless you have a habit of eating poop or decaying animals you will not become septic and die, or even get ANY infection for that matter!
ouch ahhhhh Comments By: amy on 2008-11-18
i just tried this and i bled like crazy
but it does feel better, just hope I dont get an infection

Never thought to use clippers... Comments By: Brittany on 2008-11-25
I get swollen taste buds from time to time and they drive me insane. Depending on the mood (like if I'm having a masochistic streak lol), I leave it alone. But most of the time they get so horribly distracting. Instead of paying attention in class, I'm sitting there biting my tongue. I've tried everything from gurgling salt water (which did nothing) to leaving it be. Truly, nothing helps but getting rid of it. I've only ever pulled a few off before because it takes more pressure with tweezers. I'll have to try my baby brother's clippers now and see if that works any better.
I tried this myself... Comments By: sarah on 2008-11-26
The last time I had one of these, it lasted 2 weeks and i did not want to go throught that again.
I used the advice on this site, and used naile clippers to cut it off. the problem was, I cut off the wrong one, thn the tongue was bleeding so I couldn't see the one that needed to be cut off.
After 3 tires, I feel better. My advie is to use twezers to hold the bud out before cutting to make sure oyu get the right one. or try small scissors.

On my way!! Comments By: ~ L on 2008-12-05
I am going to cut mine off right now!! I can hardly wait it is driving me insane!
i just did it! Comments By: yatzy on 2008-12-07
I just did it! It really didn't hurt at all. It feels so much better! I couldn't sleep it hurt so bad.
THIS WORKS!!! Comments By: Anon on 2008-12-09
Do this and you will have instant relief! I have been doing it for over 20 years and have NEVER, EVER had any sort of infection or problem. I don't even numb the area. I just quickly clip it and return to normal. I get these every single time I eat potato chips. Weird!
had one today Comments By: simplyseductive on 2008-12-09
i woke up and it hurt like crazy, a kept moving it to get it comfortable. by the end of the school day i just had to borrow a mirror and get it. since mine was on the tip of my tongue i just pulled it off. never thught of clippers. maybe next time.
Thought I was the only one Comments By: J on 2008-12-09
I have been biting off, tweezing off and eventually became smart and began clipping off these swollen taste buds. I get them right on the tip of my tongue and they irritate the crap out of me. I cant concentrate! Once they are gone, it's heaven! I have never gotten an infection, I just rinse with peroxide or listerine and its ok. Try it, really! You wont be sorry!
just tried it Comments By: Alexandra on 2008-12-18
omg the pain goes away right after you clip it off! i feel so relieved lol, this thing's been annoying me for days. just make sure to kinda bring it up and then snip it off quickly and effectively so you don't snip ya tongue! so happy 0:)
Oregano Oil Comments By: Looking4Cures on 2008-12-22
Put a drop of organo oil on it. You might need to do it two or three times over the course of a couple of days but it will be gone in a couple days.
clippy clip Comments By: Jesse Crawford on 2008-12-24
Numb and clip with fingernail/cuticle clippers and by the time the numbing med is worn off you dont even notice much, if any, pain. Clean your clippers first since who knows what bacteria is growing underneath fingernails. I use alcohol and swab clippers with q-tips on all parts of the blades.

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