Home : Ironing - Tips for doing the ironing

Ironing - Tips for doing the ironing

Submitted by Richard

When doing the week's ironing, start with the items that require the coolest setting and set the iron accordingly. Work up to those which need a hot iron.

Move the iron in the direction of the weave of the cloth so that you don't stretch the fabric.

To prevent a shine, iron dark fabrics, viscose and acetates on the wrong side.

If you're travelling and don't have an iron, hang your newly-unpacked clothes in the bathroom and run hot water in the shower. Close the door and let the steam smooth out the creases. This works especially well with wool.

If you have an iron but no board, cover a worktop with newspapers and then a towel or blanket. Or place a towel over the corner of the bed. Then lay a tea towel or sheet over the area, to prevent fluff sticking to the iron.

Place a piece of aluminium foil, shiny side up, between the ironing board and cover pad; it will reflect heat for a faster job.

If you want to avoid fabric shine on acrylic garments, iron them on the reverse side. Do the same with velvet to prevent crushing, pressing it through a double layer of cloth. Pieces of embroidery should be pressed on the reverse too - it makes the pattern stand out.

To iron an unruly ribbon, pull the ribbon through under the iron.

help with velvet wrinkles
Comments by: crushed from george,iowa Oct 17, 2007
Iv'e tried all of the suggested tips to iron my mothers velvet scraps to make a crazy quilt-however all I get is crushed look and I don't want that "look" any better or other suggestions would be helpful.

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