Home : Bugs and pests : No more bug bite itchyness

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Bugs and pests No more bug bite itchyness

Submitted by Andi Castro

Saliva stops the itch from mosquito bites, ant bites, and most small bug bites. Try it, it works!

Visitors comments

no Comments By: Sara on 2005-09-29
That is gross I will no try that even when I don't have bug spray at soccer and camping.
nope Comments By: misty on 2006-04-20
it don't work. I heard this myth when I was little and i tried it.
nope... Comments By: Jules on 2006-05-31
Saliva doesn't work, but baking soda does! Just mix it with a little water to form a toothpaste like consistancy, and then dab on the insect bite or bee sting. When it's dry, do it again, or cover it with a bandage to keep it moist longer. You can also mix about 2 tablespoons of baking soda with a cup of water and use it as a compress. Colloidal oatmeal baths with epsom salt helps too, but you have to soak for a while.
Try this instead... Comments By: Chris on 2010-04-19
During the bitey season, increase your intake of spicy foods or use tabasco more frequently. Just like when you eat garlic or curry, it will sweat out of you (although you won't smell this one) that will deter the bugs!

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