Home : Bugs and pests : Birds hitting windows

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Birds. How to stop birds flying into windows

I have spent many years trying to figure out a method in trying to stop birds from flying in my windows.  We have many really large windows and I have tried countless ways in hoping that I could prevent this type of tragedy. 

The one idea that works the best for me so far is sticking those little glow in the dark stars.  What I do is put them on different spots on the window outside, the birds see them and when we look out the window we have a hard time seeing them therefore they  don't obscure our view.

It is rare now that a bird hits my windows. I used to have at least over 5 birds hit the windows every day. When we shut the lights off at night the stars glow.

Visitors comments

hawk silhouette Comments By: Laurel on 2004-08-28
At the zoo, I noticed they use a halk silhouette on all their windows, I was hoping to find one.

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