Home : Cleaning : Household chemicals : Disinfectants : Disinfectants


Household disinfectants generally do contain types of bleaches such as chlorine or some types based on phenol, cresol or chloroxylenol ingredients which you should be aware that all of these are poisonous and corrosive. Other disinfectants can contain bactericides (which are ammonium compounds). These ingredients are non toxic but these ingredients can disrupt the balance of the micro organisms in the sewerage system causing even further problems in the environment.

Triethylene glycol is an ingredient that is added to some antiseptic air sprays or purifiers that most everyone uses in their homes. This really is unnecessary because all that these ingredients do is to add to the pollution in the home which is what you breathe, and what your children breathe.


Learn to use clean and common disinfectants that save you and your environment. Here are a few safer alternatives to commercial disinfectants:

Clean in and around the toilet and the sink, with a solution of vinegar or lemon and mix this in hot water when cleaning.

Pour washing soda crystals (baking soda) and boiling water down drains to keep them clear without the harmful side effects!

Disinfecting your home is easy using just a half cup of Borax and a half gallon of water, wiping surfaces where germs hide, Borax will keep your house cleaner.

Isopropyl alcohol is another disinfectant that you can use through your home.   All you have to do is wipe it on and let it dry. As the isopropyl alcohol dries it is going to disinfect the germs left on your counters, floors and other things in your home.

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