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Holiday Address Lists
You may find it difficult year after year to keep up on who gets cards for the holidays and who didn�t send you cards last year. Keeping all the cards that were sent to you year after year can be tedious, but sometimes needed. A separate listing of addresses that you keep just for sending holiday greeting cards is most inevitable and will keep your organized. Using your regular address book you can review and make changes or additions to your holiday address listing. Why should you keep two separate listings of addresses? Keeping two lists will protect you most when you are in a hurry not wanting to sort through your entire address book, and you will still have your list in case you ever lose your other main address book. Keeping a separate address list means that for the holiday season, you have an address book or sheet of paper that will contain all the names of those who you should be sending cards out to. Your relatives, parents, aunts, uncles, brothers and sisters are going to be important on your holiday address list. Adding your co-workers, friends, neighbors and those who are important to you that you don�t get to see often will be important to keep on your listing as well. This holiday listing that you create should be reviewed every year where you take off those who have died, change the addresses for those who have moved and where you can add new addresses as needed. Your holiday listing will grow by two or three a year as you make new friends, meet new neighbors and as your circle of friends increases over the years. Although you might want to keep in mind that many people will opt only to send holiday cards to friends and relatives who live �away� that they don�t get to see often. Your holiday listing can include any type of preference that you have. Your holiday addresses can be kept in a book, binder or on a few sheets of paper that can be kept with your holiday decorations. When keeping your addresses in storage with your decorations you are less likely to lose them. You also will keep on your holiday tasks by starting on your cards when you start decorating your home. Another factor that is going to determine just who you are going to send your holiday cards to will include your time and your budget. When you run short on time you may want to cut your holiday card list to a very small number, just as if you are on a strict budget this holiday season, cutting your listing of who you send cards to will be important. Having a separate holiday card list will ensure that you are getting the most important relatives, associates and friends on your holiday card list without spending too much time on making the decisions and forgetting �someone�.