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Expanding Job Searches with Career-Specific Sites

Submitted by www.teacherssupportnetwork.com

Searching for jobs on the Internet is pretty typical these days, with candidates entering their resumes and tracking postings through large sites like Monster.com, HotJobs.com, CareerBuilder.com and CareerJournal.com. But did you know that there are specialized job search systems for specific careers, too? Here are just some of the career-specific job search tools available:

TeachersSupportNetwork.com is a new site dedicated to helping teachers, especially newly graduated teachers, to find positions. Candidates fill out a profile and are automatically entered into a database that is searched by school districts across the U.S. looking for quality teachers. What makes Teachers Support Network somewhat unique is that it also provides school systems with a complete recruiting, training, and retention software program that helps make the process of hiring and keeping good teachers easier to manage.

The shortage of nurses makes Hire Nursing (HireNursing.com) valuable to employers as well as to people interested in careers in nursing. This site makes it easy to search based on the types of nursing someone is interested in: research; quality assurance/quality control, pharmacy, travel, and informatics.

Marketing Jobs (MarketingJobs.com) is a nationwide employment site for people interested in careers in sales, marketing, and advertising. Jobs can be found by filling in fields for the type of position sought, including jobs in advertising and PR firms, interactive marketing jobs, and sales/business development positions. The site is run by a firm based in Pinckney, Michigan.

Sales Jobs (SalesJobs.com) helps people interested in sales positions find opportunities across the U.S. Jobs are easily located by filling in 5 fields of information: industry focus; state (where you want to work); area code (within the desired location state); keywords and company. The results come back quickly and the site seems to have a lot of positions listed in it.

People interested in jobs in libraries and information centers will like LisJobs.com. It�s an online job resource for librarians and other information professionals. The site is designed and maintained by Rachel Singer Gordon who asks people who successfully land a job through the site to contribute funds to keep the site going. Rather than posting the jobs on LisJobs.com, Ms. Gordon links to resources, by state, where the actual positions are posted. This is an easy to use tool that provides easy access to numerous sources of current job postings for information retrieval professionals.

Interested in a job with the U.S. federal government? The official website, USAJobs - The Federal Government's Official Job Site, (USAJobs.opm.gov) helps individuals interested in working for the federal government find job openings by state, by job description, and by salary range.

For people interested in careers in law enforcement at the federal, state and local level, Law Enforcement Jobs (LawEnforcementJobs.com) is an easy to use job locator that also provides information on police tests, degrees, training, compensation, and more.

There are many sites for attorneys looking for positions. A leading site is found at AttorneyJobs.com. Unlike most of the other sites listed here, this one charges people to search the postings.

By entering basic information, people interested in positions in accounting and finance can locate jobs through Accounting.com. The listings on this site, however, don�t have posted dates, so it is difficult to tell how long a job has been posted, if it has been filled, etc.

Many industry associations also post jobs for their member associations looking for employees. If you are interested in working in a particular industry, for example, Advertising (AAF.org), Publishing (Publishers.org), Mortgage Banking (MBAA.org), you may want to check out sites for those particular industries via their industry association sites.

Visitors comments

I run Lisjobs.com :) Comments By: Rachel Gordon on 2004-08-13
I run Lisjobs.com, which was mentioned in your article, and am not sure how your author failed to note that the site DOES list actual job postings, since this is the first menu option listed.

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