Home : Health : Remedies : Chapped lips : Honey for chapped, dry lips
For chapped, dry lips this is the trick
Submitted by Missy
Ok. we've all been through the day that we had the worst looking lips for a picture or something right. so a quick fix would be to put
Vaseline or chap stick on them right?
Wrong. In chap stick there are chemicals that can infect your lips when you have bits of open skin (chapped lips).
So put some honey on your lips let dry for a bit then without moving your lips, that's important, put on some
Vaseline on top. Do this about 2-5 days in a row to get rid of chapped lips. I've
needed to do it many times for auditions and commercials. Only leave that on for 10-15
minutes then with a Q-tip dip it in hot water and in two strokes take off the mixture.
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