Home : Health : Remedies : Itchy Skin : Use less bath soap

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Itchy skin. Use less bath soap

Submitted by Bill Adams

Reduce the impact of itchy skin by using less bath soap. Generally we use way too much soap on our skin. This washes away the natural body oils that are there to protect the skin.

Let the water do most of the cleaning and only use soap sparingly.

If you have itchy legs, do not use soap on them. Wash them with water. You will be clean and your itchy legs will have a chance to recover naturally.

Visitors comments

going to try Comments By: Mary on 2004-12-24
I am 70 years old and just lately have this itchy skin problem. I sort of thought it may be this winter weather,and maybe soap.

It mainly seems to be my stomach and chest area. If I mention it to my doctor, then I have to be prepared for a lot of maybe uneccessary tests.

I am going to try to use less soap. Thanks for the tip.


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