Thrush in babies mouths. Take it from a mother of 4
Submitted by Karen Alexandre
Go to the nearest health food store and buy "GLYCERIN". Take a ball of cotton and wrap it around the tip of your finger. Put of blob of Glycerin on the cotton ball
that's wrapped on the tip of your finger and rub your baby's gums and tongue. It will clean the Thrush off
immediately! Do this once a day with 4oz of pure water to drink and your baby will never have thrush again.
Glycerin is completely eatable and natural. FOR ADULTS: If your tongue is white. Put some on your tooth brush and scrub your tongue. I will come back to its original colour PINK!! So please DO NOT put harsh chemicals in your baby's mouths such as "DISHWASHING LIQUID" that is dangerous cause God know you don't brush YOUR teeth with it!