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The Guide To Homework

Like most parents, getting the children to do their homework after school can be such a struggle. Having more than one child could make this even more difficult. Setting a regular homework time and knowing a few simple tips can make homework time very effective and fun. Your children will come home and want to get started on their homework.

How much time should a child spend on homework? Well the answer is very simple. Each child should have a different homework time limit. A child in first grade should spend no more than 10 minutes an evening on homework. A Second grader should have no more than 20 minutes an evening. See it depends on the grade that they are in. A child should spend ten minutes per grade level. 

When a child is in eighth grade he or she should spend eighty minutes (an hour and 20 minutes) an evening on homework. As a child gets older he or she is able accept the responsibility of having more homework time. When starting this method in the earlier years it is more acceptable in later years. 

Always remember that if a child is continually having more than the allotted time for their grade level talk to the teacher. She might not even realize that the assignments are taking longer than she anticipated. 

Be sure that your child IS working on his homework in that time frame. If the television is on or a child is constantly being interrupted during his homework time than naturally it will take more than the allotted grade time. You need to make the necessary changes to ensure that your child is getting the most effective homework study time. 

Keep in mind that when a child comes home without homework it is still wise to make use of the allotted homework time. Set this time up for reading a book, this way they stay in that routine and they know that its part of their daily schedule no matter what. Same if a child gets done early with homework break out the book until the time is done. 

I set a timer for my third grader and he knows that when the timer goes off than he is done. He also knows that scheduling his homework time when he comes home from school gives him the rest of the evening to do what ever he likes to do.

Don�t always feel like you need to know everything that a child is learning to help him or her. Some of these subjects you may not have had when you where in school and that is understandable. Your child will learn by teaching you how to do it. Any child will benefit by teaching something, this gives them a great sense of being when they are helping you (their parents). 

Take time and read together. Make reading a part of every day. A weekly visit to the library is the most affordable way to keep you and your children up to date on the most current reading material. Also available at the library is access to computers and the Internet for research. 

Always provide guidance for your child. When your child asks for help, provide guidance, not the answers. Your child will not benefit at all if you give them the answer. By giving the answer to them you are showing them that in life someone will do it when the going gets tough. We all know this is not true in the real world, so you need to teach them problem solving and guide them into the right direction but leave the problem solving to them. 

When getting started on the homework some children choose to start with something they consider �easy� and save that hardest task until last. Some children feel the complete opposite. Leave your children decide what they feel comfortable doing first.

Set a goal with your child/children. Set a timer and if they complete homework (without goofing around) treat them to something special. At the end of the week I leave my son pick a special video to rent over the weekend. 

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