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Home : TipKing's administration area : Donations

Make a donation to the TipKing site

Many visitors have contacted me asking if there are ways that they can donate money to the TipKing site to help with running costs and keeping the site alive. Reasons have been because they have been so impressed with one of the tips or one of the tips have saved them a lot of money.

Donations can been made via PayPal which is one of the most trusted payment facilities on the internet



When you make a donation I will write to you as soon as I can letting you know that the donation has been received. (It can take a couple of days for me to contact you).

In the mean time you are more than welcome to email me to tell me why you are sending in the donation and whether or not you would like your success story listed on the website (This will be a new feature) you can contact me at the email address below

The email address is displayed in Javascript! It says admin at




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