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Ink Stain. Laundry advice for ink stains.

Are you having a problem with a bit of ink on your favorite shirt or another laundry item? You can remove the ink from clothing! The first step is to ensure that you read the label for dry cleaning, cold wash only or hand wash only. It this is a dry clean only item, your dry cleaner will be best able to help you with this material.

If the tag reads that it is hand washable or you can launder the item then let's get started. A few items that you can try on the ink stain are Spot Remover, Nail Polish Remover, Cleaning Fluid, a Petroleum (oil) based pre wash spray (like spray and wash) but make sure you test the item in a little spot before using this on the stained area so you don't bleach out the colors as well.

Placing the garment stain side down on a few paper towels and then dabbing your cleaner on the stain using a paper be sure to soak the stained area. The ink stain will come through to the other side so you will need to move your material to a clean paper towel every few minutes so that the paper towel can soak up the ink. Be sure not to let the ink stain that you are trying to get out touch other areas of the shirt or material that you are trying to clean or you will have another stain to get out!

Do not put this in the dryer until you are sure you have got all the stain out or you will be setting the stain!

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