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Kool Aid�. Tips to remove Kool Aid stains on carpets

No matter what you do in life, you will have at least one or two spills on your carpeting from the children.

Children�s drinks are often colored and sugary which are going to stain your carpeting. Even favorite fruit juices are going to stain your clean carpet but using these tips you can get them out quickly. When kool aid or juice has been spilled on your carpet, be sure to blot up as much as you can while it is wet.

Changing towels or cloths will help while you are still getting more and more of the liquid out of the carpeting. Using salt, you can soak up some of the deep liquid and you can vacuum this up easily. Using a shop vac you can pull up liquid that is deep in the carpet if you have a rather large spill on the carpet and then you can start to treat the stain.

If the kool aid or fruit juice stain is already dried, spraying the area with a bit of water will allow you to treat the stain easily. Do not use hot water and do not over wet the area, just spray the carpet fibers lightly.

Blot up the liquid as it starts to loosen from the fibers. Using your favorite carpet cleaner or a dish liquid that does not contain bleach you can make a mixture of water and soap and spray over the stained area. Blot up and repeat as needed until the stain is all out. If you are dealing with a very difficult stain that has been set for some time, use a spray mixture of one cup of peroxide and a cup of water.

Spray this on the carpet that is affected by the stain and blot up as needed until the stain is completely removed. A spray mixture of half and half of water and vinegar will bring out many difficult stains while freshening your home at the same time!

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