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Ice Cream. Tips to remove Ice Cream stains on carpets

Tips to remove IceIce cream is a great treat for all times of the year, and comes in so many colors that can leave a bright stain if spilled or dripped. If you have found an ice cream stain on your carpet, use these tips to work it out.

When the ice cream is soft or dried, you can scrape up as much of the ice cream that is left on the top of the carpeting. Scraping with a plastic knife, spatula or similar flat item is going to bring up a gooey mess.

After you have scraped the carpeting gently not pulling on the carpet fibers, you can blot the area a bit with a towel that is wet with rubbing alcohol. Do not pour the rubbing alcohol on to the carpet but only on the towel and dab the towel on the carpet so you don�t ruin the backing or padding for your carpeting. Continue this until you are not getting any more coloring of the ice cream out of the carpeting.

If you have a stain left in the carpet still, make a mixture of two cups of water and a cup of vinegar, or two cups of water and two tablespoons of dish liquid. Spray this mixture on the area and blot it up with a clean towel. Continue doing this until you have brought up all of the coloring in the stain or until you can�t remove any more of the coloring.

Rinse your carpet using a spray of clear water and a clean cloth. Spray and dab until you have brought all the soap out of the carpet without over wetting the carpet.

If you can still see any other coloring in the carpet, use a spray mixture of two cups of water and a cup of peroxide. Spray and blot this on the carpet three times, and then spray and leave it on to dry. Your stain will be lightened and disappear!

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