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Lacquer. Tips to remove Lacquer stains on carpets

Lacquer is a type of finish for wood.  If you have spilled some lacquer in your carpet try using these tips to get it out and without leaving a sticky hard mess.

Using something hard like a plastic spoon or knife, spatula you aren’t going to use again or similar – scrape up the excess lacquer.  Scrape towards the center of the stain so you don’t spread it out.  Repeat this until you have brought up all the excess liquid you can.

Using a clean cloth or towel, put some rubbing alcohol on your cloth and dab at the area where the lacquer was spilled. This will break down the liquid and it will come up on your cloth. Keep using clean portions of your towel and dabbing until you don’t have any more lacquer coming up or when the stain is going.

Make a mixture of a cup of warm water and a tablespoon of liquid soap without bleach.  Spray and dab this on the stained area.  This will work out more of the lacquer and your stain will lighten.  Continue this at least for ten minutes, or when the stain is gone.

If you find that your stain is still not coming out, try rinsing the carpet with a spritz of water and then by dabbing the moisture up.  Continue this until you don’t find you are bringing up any more soap from the carpeting.

Stains that are deep in the carpeting can be brought up using a spray of peroxide.  Work the peroxide into your carpeting with your fingers and then blot up.  Spay the stain with peroxide again and leave this dry for at least an hour and then spray and blot again.  Continue until your lacquer stain is gone. 

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