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Tar. Tips to remove Tar stains on carpets

Tar tracked into your home and on your carpeting can be cleaned using these cleaning tips:

Blot or scrape the tar stained area with out pulling to much on the carpet fibers. Scrape with a butter knife or similar dull item to pull out tar. 

You will need to neutralize the stained area using a spray of ammonia. Spray on the ammonia, dabbing with a paper towel or cloth, without pushing the stain further out, just dabbing the tar area. Don�t pour this directly on the carpeting, but spray and dab for the best cleaning motions.

If you still find some tar stain in your carpeting, use your spray bottle making a mixture of two cups of warm water and a tablespoon of clear bleach free dish liquid. Spray the tar stained area and blot up with paper towels or a clean cloth. Repeat this as long as the tar is breaking up and coming out on your towel.

You will need to rinse the ammonia and the soap from the carpeting. Using a spray bottle of clean liquid and a towel, spray and dab the stained areas to bring out any suds. If you happen to get to much liquid on the carpet use your shop vac to get out any excess water.

Let this dry for while, about an hour. If you still have a trace tar stain, use peroxide in your spray bottle. Spray the area and blot up. Spray the area again and leave this sit for about another hour. If the stain is still visible, repeat until the tars stain is gone.

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This Tip Sucks Comments By: big willie on 2005-06-20
It did not work, and now my entire office has been overcome with fumes from your tip.

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