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Rust. Tips to remove Rust stains on clothes and fabric

There are many ways that you can get rust stains on your clothing but you can get them out using these easy to use cleaning tips. Rust is a tough stain to get out. Be sure to repeat as many of the steps that you feel are getting the rust stain out that you are fighting to keep working it out. 

One thing that you need to be sure of is that you don�t use bleach on rust stains because the bleach will make the rust stain permanent in your fabric. 

If the rust stain that you are fighting is a very small area you may be able to work it out using a commercial type of rust remover but only a few drops. Most commercial rust removers are very potent so you need just a small amount so you don�t ruin the fabric. Commercial rust removers include the ingredient hydrofluoric acid which can be very harmful to your skin or your cabinetry so be careful if you are going to use this. Check out the next option first��..

Lemon juice and salt mixed together and rubbed over the rust will work must better and more gently on your fabrics. Keep the fabric wet while you are working out the stain, reapplying the mixture, and rubbing the area with a scrub brush or toothbrush to work out the rust stain. 

Rinse out your fabric with cool water and then apply detergent over the rust stained area. Rub this in with your fingers and with the toothbrush again, working out more of the stain from the fabric. 

Depending on the type of fabric that you are working on, you can boil the fabric in a water and cream of tarter. Use half cup of cream of tarter for a quart of water. Increase your amounts as needed if the garment is larger. 

Rinse your fabric to get the cream of tarter remnants out of the fabric.

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