Home : Laundry and Stains : Stains : A to Z of Stains : Grass : Grass stains on clothes and fabric

Grass. Tips to remove Grass stains on clothes and fabric

Grass stains are a difficult stain to fight especially when the stain is ground in good. Treating the grass stain before it has gone through the wash even once is the trick to getting out grass stains.

Treat the grass stain with a pre treatment stain or spray and let this sit for about ten minutes.

You can make a paste of oxyclean and water, putting this over the grass stained area and let it sit over night to get the grass stain out.

Apply a good amount of liquid laundry detergent to the stain area and scrub with a toothbrush or other soft scrub brush to loosen the grass stain.

Check the tag on the fabric to see if you can use bleach on this garment or fabric. If you can soak the item in a bucket of water and two cups of bleach for about ten minutes.

Rinse the item well and repeat if you have a stubborn grass stain.

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