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Coffee. Tips to remove Coffee stains

This cleaning tip is to help you get out coffee stains on upholstery.

Coffee that has both cream and sugar in it can be difficult to remove because you are fighting a few different stains at the same time.But with this cleaning tip you can get out that coffee stain in no time at all.

If the spill has just occurred one thing that you should do is grab a few towels or paper towels and dab up the excess liquid, as much as you can to prevent the coffee from sinking deeper into your upholstery. Using carbonated water, sprite, seven up or even tonic water, spray the area, and dab up with a paper towel.

The carbonation is going to bring that dark stain to the top of the upholstery so you can blot and dab it up out of the upholstery.

Continue until the stain is gone or until you are unable to bring out any more stain from the upholstery.Be sure to keep drying the upholstery by blotting. If you still have a stain in the upholstery, use mixture of water and clear bleach free liquid detergent and spray over the stained area.

Keep spraying; blotting and drying until you have brought out all the stain or until you find that no more of the stain is coming out of the upholstery. Rinse the upholstery with a clear water spray, dabbing and blotting to get all the moisture out of the material.

This is to bring out all the suds, soap and detergent in the upholstery as well as any trace remains of the coffee stains. Give your upholstery one last treatment if you find that you can still see that coffee stain, by using a spray of hydrogen peroxide.

Spray on the peroxide, not over wetting the upholstery too much, and let it dry.Spray the upholstery again with the peroxide where the coffee stain was and then dab up the moisture to remove the remnants of the coffee stain. Repeat this as needed until all of your coffee stain is gone.

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