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Grease. Tips to remove Grease stains

There are lots of types of grease that you will find can stain your upholstery.

If you have found a grease stain on your upholstery, be sure to use these great cleaning tips to work out that stain.

The first thing that you can do when you are going to tackle this stain is to blot up all the excess moisture from the grease accident.

Blot and dab at the area until you are left with an almost dry stain in the upholstery. Spray a mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia on the stain. Using a half and half mixture will be great, blotting off the moisture that is in the upholstery. Repeat as long as you are bringing out more of the grease stain.

Rinse using a clear water spray, bringing out the additional grease stain as you blot off the moisture using a clean towel or paper towel. If you still have a bit of stain in the upholstery, spray a mixture of water and a few drops of dish liquid on the upholstery. Blot and dab until you bring out all the moisture, repeating as needed until you are not able to bring out any more coloring from the grease or your stain is gone.

Rinse the upholstery well using just water and blotting with a towel. Get all the moisture out of the fabric, making the fabric feel almost dry to the touch. Use a mixture of half and half vinegar and water to rinse the upholstery one last time. Be sure to blot off the excess moisture using a towel or paper towel after spraying.

Move back to the beginning of these instructions if you still have a grease stain after spraying with the vinegar and water mixture.

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