Home : Laundry and Stains : Stains : A to Z of Stains : Red Wine : Red Wine stains on upholstery

Red Wine. Tips to remove Red Wine stains on upholstery

Red wine accidents and spills can be costly to your upholstery if you don�t clean it and treat it right away.

If the stain is old and dry, you may still be able to work it out, but you may need to repeat these steps a few times.

If the spill is still fresh, blot any excess liquid that can from the upholstery using a few paper towels.Continue using fresh clean paper towels if your spill is larger so you don�t spread out the stain.

Spray seven up or club soda or tonic water on the stained area, and then blot it up with a paper towel.  Repeat this until you are unable to remove any more of the stain on the upholstery or until the stain itself is gone.

Using a spray of clear water, spray the stained area, rinsing the upholstery by wetting the fabric and then blotting out the moisture. If you are still finding a red wine stain in your upholstery, make a solution of water and a few drops of clear bleach free dish liquid.

Spray this on the upholstery and blot it off using a clean towel or cloth.

Continue until the stain is gone. Using a spray of clear water, spray the stained area, rinsing the upholstery by wetting the fabric and then blotting out the moisture.

Continue this until you are not getting any more detergent out of the upholstery. Rinse your upholstery once again using spray of hydrogen peroxide. Spray the stained area.

Let it sit for a few hours, re spray and then blot out the moisture from the upholstery, bringing the remaining red wine stain with it.

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