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Auto oil. Tips to remove Auto oil stains from clothes and fabric

Auto oil stains on your clothes or fabric are most inevitable when you are working in the garage or just working around machinery in general.  Use these tips to get that auto oil stain out of clothes or fabrics so you can continue to look your best even when you are working!

When the accident first happens, take a paper towel and blot the excess auto oil from the clothes or fabric.  Don�t rub the auto oil or your stain will get larger.  Just blot.  It is best to treat the stain right away but if you can�t, do take care to clean it as soon as you get the chance.

Use a pre treat spray or stain stick and apply a saturating amount over the stained area. Rub the pre treatment on the stain front and back to work it out of the fabric really good.

Let the garment sit for about an hour, and then rub in some clear bleach free laundry detergent.  Rub this in with your fingers or a soft scrub brush and saturate the area with detergent working out the auto oil stain.

Rinse in water in a bucket or in the sink, and then launder as usual.  Recheck the stain and repeat if needed to remove any remnants of the stain.

If you have a very persistent auto oil stain and your fabric tag states you can use bleach, soak your fabric in a bucket of water with two cups of bleach or two cups of all color fabric bleach.

Rinse out the bleach with water.  Let the garment dry to check if the stain is gone. Do not dry the article in the dryer until you check out the stain for sure.

If all else fails, use a few drops of dry cleaning solution on the stain, and then blot it up with a paper towel to work any remaining stain out of the fabric.

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