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Berry juice. Tips to remove Berry juice stains from clothes and fabric

Berry juice can cause stains from berry juice that you drink, spills when you are eating fruits, or if you are eating jellies, jams or other types of goodies that include berry fruit juice like pies and ice cream toppings. Use these tips to work out those berry juice stains fast.

If you have a berry juice stain on your fabric or clothing, wash the fabric in the hottest water possible for the type of fabric that you are working on. Use a bleach free liquid laundry detergent and apply to the stained area before washing.

After washing, do not dry the fabric, but check to make sure the entire stain is gone. You can let the fabric air dry but don�t put it in the dryer until you are sure the stain is gone.

If the fabric still has a berry juice stain, apply a pre treatment spray or stain stick to the area and let this sit for about ten minutes.

Rinse and then launder again. Repeat as needed until the entire berry juice stain is gone.

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