Home : Beauty tips : Face : Whiter teeth : Whiter teeth try eating more vegies

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Whiter teeth try eating more vegies

Submitted by Marissa P.

If you are looking for whiter teeth, the natural crunch in apples, pears, and grapes with seeds in them help get your teeth whiter.

I've tried it for 2 years and my teeth are pearly white!!!

Visitors comments

yes but.... Comments By: Jonno on 2009-05-20
This is a good tip, but again, it comes down to the fact that the juice in fruits are acidic, and will slowly kill and dissolve the enamel. To keep teeth healthy whilst trying this technique you must use an enamel building toothpaste, like arm and hammer or another type designed specifically for enamel building, a way of testing the health of your teeth is to push your tongue against the back of your teeth. At the very bottom of your tooth you might notice a slight (emphasis on slight) pink tint, this is very bad as your tooth Is thining. So in summary, this is a very good way of whitening teeth, but beware of the possible long term damage

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