Home : Beauty tips : Face

 Almond, neem leaf , turmeric, sandlewood and poppy seeds Face mask
 Mix almond, neem leaf , turmeric, sandlewood and poppy ...

 Beautiful bronzed babe
 To look gorgeously bronzed, generously apply mositurizer to your ...

 Clay for zits to stay away!
 You need a clay mask for this tip, it is similar to using calamine ...

 Clear your complexion with mint water
 For a clear fair complexion drink one cup of mint water everyday .It ...

 Daily cleansing routine for blemish prone skin
 If you have blemishes, i think you should first get into a routine of ...

 Exfoliating! Daily and gently
 I have noticed an overall improvement in my skin, since changing my ...

 For a clear face and soft and supple hands
 Mix the juice of one lemon to two tablespoons of milk or cream. Apply ...

 For a fairer skin
 Make a paste out of skimmed milk powder and hydrogen peroxide . Apply ...

 Lighten your skin in citrus way
 Lemon has exfoliating properties: rub half a lemon on your face with ...

 Milk face cleanser
 To cleanse the face, soak a piece of cotton wool in unboiled milk and ...

 Mineral water and lemon lemon toner
 Sprinkle your face with mineral water. There is no better toner. it ...

 Quick glow to your face
 Do you need a quick glow to your skin and all over healthier look? ...

 Sleeping Beauty
  Try putting acne cream on your face at night with more than usual ...

 The 24-Hour Onion, Yes, Onion Cure!
 For quick fixes in less than 24-hours try rubbing ONION on your skin. ...

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