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Home : Beauty tips : Face : Bags under your eyes : Preparation H

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Bags under your eyes Preparation H

Submitted by Don

All you need is a dab of preparation H, carefully rubbed into the skin, avoiding the eyes. The hemorrhoid ointment acts as a vasoconstrictor, relieving the swelling instantly.

Visitors comments

doesnt work Comments By: kim on 2004-07-19
I have tried this many times can never tell any differance
Doesn't work Comments By: Dana on 2004-07-27
Didn't work at all - caused skin to swell around eyes - the eye area is too sensitive for this cream
signifigant improvement Comments By: anon on 2004-09-04
have used prepH under my eyes for almost a week now,with great results,using it in cream form which may allow it to absorb better than ointment,applying twice daily(washing with astrigent between applications )wont go away overnight so be patient,took it longer to get there
Has worked for me but not always Comments By: Jeannie on 2004-09-27
I did see a significant improvement the first time I tried it overnight, but it let me down the second time. I was up late last night and am giving it another shot; they say the third time's a charm. ;)
Preparation H is not safe Comments By: Anon on 2004-11-11
Preparation H is not safe for repeated use on facial skin.
It works Comments By: Jo on 2005-04-02
I was plagued with the wonderful dark bags under my eyes passed down to my by my grandma who knew this was the gift she would give me, however on that note the Prep H has helped mine and Ill tell you I have not had one problem I noticed a diffrence in one day however I do use the ointment and just use very little before applying my powder foundation if you let it set for about 5 minutes before applying your powder it does not give a greasy look also I clean my face with Proactive before bed between the two my skin Look wonderful
eyes Comments By: Angela on 2005-05-31
well im 15yrs old and im going to try this thing because my right eye is just so dark and puffy it looks like if a bee sting it or something,and i dont know what else to do so thats why i will try it and write back in abouta week to share my results.
This stuff SUCKS! Comments By: Angela on 2005-06-04
well it hasn't even been a week but i have been putting this stuuf on for 5 days and my eyes get worser and horrible.I tried something else and it works but preparation H does not work at all.
Angela, Comments By: Karen on 2005-08-01
I was surprised to see major results after a few hours. But where do the bags go? I experienced a sinus headache, so there's a clue. Also, the cause of bagginess under the eyes may be a clue, too. If sleep deprivation (for Angela - that means not enough sleep)is the cause, then getting more sleep might help with positive results. There is no such word as "worser." It's simply "worse".
Nice going Karen Comments By: RoadRunningVixen on 2005-08-20
Way to go picking on a 15 year old, Karen.
I wont' try this because it sounds dumb.


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