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Hand warmer

Submitted by Willy Boy

This works great for us in the winter time. Take a cardboard box ( an old oil case box works fine) cut two holes in the front big enough to get your hands into and cut one in the top big enough to get the tip of a hairdryer into. When your hands are freezing just stick your hands in the front and turn on the hairdryer. You can also warm-up your gloves while warming your hands.

Visitors comments

hairdryer??? Comments By: Larry on 2005-08-03
If I was inside , i'd assume my hands would be warm, with just gloves if i needed them. So where would you use this? Outside??? I tried it inside ,,and in a matter of minutes , my hands were burning, even the lowest setting. Where do you plug in the hairdryer then if you're outide? Wondering??

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