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Home : Bugs and pests

 A humane and sure-fire way to keep pigeons away
 A humane and sure-fire way to keep pigeons away is to hang foil tart ...

 An old remedy for detering Slugs and Snails
 An old remedy to deter snails and slugs is to collect as many as ...

 Animals in your trash cans
 Here is a good way to stop animals rumaging through your dust bins ...

 To get rid of ants mix sunlight liquid dish soap one to one with ...

 Ants do not like the smell of mint, fresh mint from your garden. so ...

 Use this tip if you have a problem with ants in the kitchen:

 Keep ants from bothering your home using this tip:

 Ants under your paving slabs
 Here is a good way to deal with ant problems

 Ants, ants, ants everywhere
 Here are a few good ways to deal with ant problems

 Ants. Get rid of them with sage
 When you have ants, just out down some dried sage and you will not ...

 Bee stings
 If you are stung by a bee, make a paste out of meat tenderizer and ...

 Bee, wasp or hornet sting try cool tiles or water
 If stung by a bee, wasp or hornet put no weight at all. If you are ...

 Birds hitting windows
 Here is a tip to help stop birds from hitting windows

 Birds hitting windows
 Keep those birds away from your windows using this tip:

 Borax kills Roaches
 Roaches breathe through their exoskeletons and borax clogs up their ...

 Bracken spray for dealing with blackfly
 Thia old recipe is effective against blackfly on, for example, broad ...

 Cleaning liquid that doubles as bug killer....
 If menacing bees, wasps, hornets, or yellow jackets get in your home ...

 Learn to get rid of cockroaches using these tips:

 Cola for Mice
 Cola can be used as a safe way to kill mice. Pour some in a small ...

 Dealing with skunks
 I once had a skunk attempt to take up residence under the crawl space ...

 Discouraging ant trails
 A nice non-toxic way to stop ants from marching about is to sprinkle ...

 Dryer sheet as a mosquito repellant
 To keep mosquitos away take any brand of dryer sheet. Rub the sheet ...

 Easy storage and carrying of snail bait.
 Store snail bait or granular fertilizers in plastic container used ...

 Elder for killind aphids, caterpillars or mildew
 This kills aphids, small caterpillars and is useful as a fungicide ...

 Eliminating evil earwigs!
 The tell-tale sign of pincher bug (or Earwiggle) damage are tiny ...

 Fight off clover mites
 Fight off clover mites using this simple tip:

 Flies around your garbage
 Prevent flies from getting to your garbage as often using this tip

 Flying insects in your kitchen and around trash cans
 Get rid of mosquitoes with this tip!

 Get rid of ants, ear wigs & spiders
 A way to get rid of ants, ear wigs, spiders and such is take 1 table ...

 Get rid of ants, ear wigs, spiders
 A way to get rid of ants, ear wigs, spiders and such is take 1 table ...

 Get rid of fruit flies
 Place a small bowl of wine in a dish and the flies will drown in the ...

 Get rid of fruit flies
 Here is a good way to get rid of fruit flies in your home

 Getting a wasp, bee, bug out of the house
 Sometimes you find a bee, wasp, beetle, or unidentified flying insect ...

 Getting rid of fleas in your house
Sometimes the store bought fumigators only kill the hatched fleas but ...

 Getting rid of silverfish
 Silverfish are attracted to damp areas in your home and feed on paper ...

 Good Bugs Beneficial pests around the home
 Bits about beneficial pests around the home

 Homemade insect repellent
 Keep mosquitoes, gnats, midges and other flying insects at arms ...

 Homemade squirrel repelant
 To keep squirrels off bird feeders add cayenne pepper, birds still ...

 Hot tip for repelling leaf munching bugs
 Any of the home remedy recipe mixes I have used to keep pests off my ...

 How to get ants away from your house..
 Use a regular talcum powder (baby powder) and just sprinkle around ...

 How to get rid of ants with white pepper
 I was infested with ants last year but i found a cure which I must ...

 How to handle Ant invasions
 Never step on or otherwise squash an ant. And never spray an ant ...

 how to keep bugs off
 Here is a recipe for a repellant that will keep most bugs away


 How to kill Fire Ants
 Take a box of Cream of Wheat spread the cereal over and around the ...

 How to kill poison tolerate cockroachs
 Put rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle. When you see roachs shoot ...

 Keep all kinds of animals out of your trash bags
 Keep all kinds of animals out of your trash bags, spray pure bleach ...

 Keep ants away with dried thyme
 Sprinkle dried thyme around the door, window seal etc where the ants ...

 Keep cats of your garden
 Cats hate the smell of any citrus fruit so i.e. chop lemons in ...

 Keep cats off your garden
 I have tried every tip in the book to get rid of cats using parts of ...

 Keep cockroaches from entering your home
 Use prevention to keep cockroaches from entering your home using this ...

 Keep Flies and Flying insects at bay
 Here is some great advice if you are plagued with flies

 Keep moths away
 Learn to keep moths away using these tips:

 Keep pigeons away
 Here is a simple idea to keep pigeons away

 Keep Pigeons off your window sills
 To keep pigeons off your window sills use double sided tape with ...

 Keep rabbits from eating your flowers and vegetables
 Keep rabbits away from vegetable gardens and flower decorations by ...

 Keep rabbits out of your garden or yard
 If you are troubled with rabbits coming into your garden or yard try ...

 Keep snakes out of your yard
 If you are troubled with snakes in your garden or yard try this ...

 Keep Squirrels away
 Here is a HOT tip for keeping squirrels in their place

 Keep your carpets flea free
 Keep your carpets flea free by sprinkling plain borax around the ...

 Keeping ants away
 To keep ants away and out of your home, it helps to keep the children ...

 Kill Fleas on pets or in carpet
 Add a few drops of DAWN dishwashing liquid to your pet's ...

 Kill fleas with weiners
 Burn 3 or 4 weiners in a pot you won't need to use again. Burn them ...

 Kill slugs quickly
 If you want to kill slugs quickly, just sprinkle a little salt on ...

 Make your own fly trap or flypaper
 Try these ideas for catching flies around the house and home

 Keep mice from getting in your home using these tips:

 Plug up those holes where mice are coming into your home:

 Mole Menace
 Here is how to deal with moles that won't leave your yard

 When I moved to this house with a large yard everywhere I stepped in ...

 Keep moles out of your flowers and lawn using this tip:

 Mosquitoes and flying insects around your home
 Keep Mosquitoes away using these historical tips:

 No more bug bite itchyness
 Saliva stops the itch from mosquito bites, ant bites, and most small ...

 Problems with Rabbits
 Here is a tip for dealing with problem rabbits in your garden or yard

 Relieve wasp stings
 When our kids get stung by a wasp, I always grab a fresh slice of ...

 Removal of love bugs
 To easily remove love bugs from your car, take a small piece of ...

 Rhubarb spray for killing aphids
 The oxalic acid in rhubarb leaves is a safe control agent for aphids, ...

 Rid your garden of snails and slugs
 An effective and completely safe method to rid your garden of ...

 Roach preventative when building a new house
 When you are building the house and before the walls are rocked, pour ...

 Slugs in the garden tackled with beer
 My grandmother used to do this in her garden when she had a vegtable ...

 Solve a cockroach problem
 Here is a good way to solve a cockroach problem

 Spiders. Keep spiders away
 Learn more about getting rid of spiders!

Squirrels digging in garden pots
 To keep the squirrels or rabbits from digging up your garden you can ...

Squirrels digging in garden pots
 To keep the squirrels or rabbits from digging up your garden you can ...

 Stop flea invasion with "GARLIC@BREWS YEAST"
 Here is a very simple recipe for flea problems. Just mix ¼ teaspoon ...

 Stop the bite of horse flies
 If your wear a pair of sunglasses on the back of your head, it will ...

 Taking the pain out of insect stings
  I was surprised when my husband suggested I pour some ammonia on ...

 The most effective cockroach trap is
 The most effective cockroach trap is an open glass container (jam or ...

 Thrips tiny black flys that live in houseplants
 If you have Thrips, tiny black flies that live in houseplants plants. ...

 Keep ticks from attacking you when in the woods using this tip:

 Tip for killing flies wasps inside the home
 For killing flies/wasps inside the home- Use Windex! Often times, ...

 Tip to deal with Slugs and Snails
 To keep slugs away from sensitive plants sprinkle eggshells around ...

 To deter moles from digging up your garden,harmlessly
 Push a 2ft stick into the newest mole hill. Remove the cap and slide ...

 Unwanted cats in your garden
 Here is a good way to get rid of unwanted cats in your garden

 Use borax as an insecticide in the home
 Borax can be sprinkled in carpets, beds, furniture and especially ...

 Use peanut butter as ant bait
 WE had an ant problem a few weeks ago. I tried every thing from white ...

 Wasp and Bee Nests Around the Home
 Blow up brown paper bags to look like nests. Hang them around your ...

 Wasp Killer (not nice but some folks like to do it)
 Remove the cap and carefully cut the top section (5") off a 2 ltr pop ...

 Keep them at bay with a clove of garlic. Slit the clove and hang it ...

 What to do when a bird hit's a window.
 When a bird hits a window, all you do is pick the bird up. Put it in ...

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