Home : Bugs and pests : Make your own fly trap or flypaper
Fly Trap Make your own fly traps or flypaper with ease
Flies in the home are a real pest, so have a look at the following ideas to make your own fly trap or fly paper...! Fly trap 1/4 cup of. Vinegar 1/4 cup of. sugar Water
Put first 2 ingredients in and put enough water in a jar to make it about 1/2 full and punch a couple holes in the lid. Works great! Good for Patio's or barns
Fly paper recipe 1 The following will make a six 18inch strips of fly paper that will be irresistible to flies. 4 fl oz Golden Syrup 1 tablespoon dark brown sugar 1 tablespoon granulated sugar Combine the ingredients in a small bowl and then place six 18 inch strips of brown paper in a flat container and cover them with the sticky mixture. Leave them to soak overnight. Next day scrape off all the excess mixture make a little hole in one end and insert a string. Hang near open doorways and windows. Flypaper recipe 2 To make your own flypaper, take a brown paper bag and cut it into small manageable strips. Using a quart of corn syrup and a quart of water, boil this mixture and then dunk your strip of paper into the mixture. Hang your strip using a thumb tac and you are on your way to collecting those little bugs in your home! Warning. Watch where you hang these because I once got one tangled in my hair. NOT NICE...