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Liquid soap. Make your own Liquid soap

Do you every wonder what to do with those small pieces of left over soap. Well here is a solution. Using this recipe you can turn leftover bits of soap into a versatile cleaning agent which can be used as hand soap or for general household chores.

To make 7 pints/ 4 liters

  • 1 lb/450g soap flakes or grated soap
  • 6 pints/3.7 liters water
  • 2 tablespoons glycerin

Mix the ingredients together in a large pot and place it over a low heat, stirring occasionally. When the soap has dissolved, leave to cool slightly and then transfer the liquid into a storage container such an old ice-cream tub. Cover tightly, label, and store out of the reach of children.

Gel variation For a thicker, more gel type soap, just half the amount of water you use.

Visitors comments

is it safe? Comments By: green queen on 2008-02-14
although very easy and cheap to make I read that preservatives are needed to prevent the growth of bacteria when using tap water and I was wondering if it was safe to use.
Tap water Comments By: Red King on 2008-08-18
If you don't think you will use it before bacteria will grow, use a sterile container, and bottled or boiled water.
ALTERNATIVELY Comments By: cosmicblackwidow on 2009-01-21
You could make it in smaller quantities and so avoid the problem of bacteria.

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