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Baby Wipes. Make your own baby wipes

Here is a recipe to make your own baby wipes.

  • 1- roll of good-quality ALL WHITE paper towels, cut in half. (I use Bounty, because they're sturdy and I can buy them in bulk.)
  • 2 cups warm water
  • 2 tablespoons baby shampoo
  • 1 tablespoon baby oil
  • 1 teaspoon rubbing alcohol, (optional)

Mix water, shampoo, oil, and alcohol in a sutable container. Add 1/2 roll of paper towels, cut side down. (Save other half for next time.) Put on lid and let soak until all liquid is absorbed. (About 5- 10 mins.) Turn container upside-down and leave it for about 30 mins, to make sure liquid is completely absorbed. Turn it back over, wait a few minutes, and they're ready to use!

I like these wipes better than store-bought because they're cheaper, bigger, last longer, and they're made of stuff that you already have on hand if you have a baby.

Visitors comments

Two Questions: Comments By: Mama Hen on 2005-10-05
Is this safe for a septic tank? How do you cut the roll of towels in half? With a ginsu knife, perhaps?

TipKing says: Kitchen towels are fine to send to your septic tank. They dissolve like toilet tissue...

I would just use sissors to cut up 5 or 6 sheets at a time. You will have bunch done in no time


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