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Witch Hazel for Cold sores

A wonderfully simple home remedy for cold sores (fever blisters):  As soon as you realize you have a cold sore coming on, apply Witch Hazel to the site with a Q-tip.  It will immediately stop the process, and prevents further spread of the blisters.  Apply Witch Hazel frequently, and healing time is shortened to a fraction of normal healing time.

Visitors comments

witch hazel on a cold sore Comments By: Tracy W. on 2004-07-24
This work's and it work's fast with in 2 day's. I use nothing else but this method now.
Not sure that witch hazel is enough Comments By: Way too experienced with these things... on 2008-06-24
My mom gets cold sores all the time and recently (within the past few years) I have started to as well.

I've been using witch hazel as a treatment and it does sting quite a bit and seems to dry out the cold sore.
But the biggest problem, for me, is how unsightly it is to leave the witch hazel on. The ugly brown color is worse than the cold sore itself.

So i only leave witch hazel on the sore when i'm at home, but since i'm very busy that doesn't seem to be enough time.

Sometimes my cold sores will last for weeks at a time. So I need some additionally treatment.

I tried abreva and it didn't seem to work at all.

I'm hoping that combining the witch hazel treatment with salt and/or toothpaste will dry up the cold sore. And that Neosporin will keep it disinfected and stop it from spreading.

Also, ice and aspirin for the welling just makes sense.

Witch Hazel Comments By: GH on 2009-10-31
Witch Hazel is not brown. It is a clear liquid bought in a bottle at the drug store.
Best Remedy Comments By: Laura on 2009-12-12
The best remedy I found for a cold sore is to talk to your doctor and when you first feel a cold sore come on I take Valtrex and the sore wont even come out. It goes away instantly!!
I had a cold sore pop up last week Comments By: JL on 2010-02-08
I had a cold sore pop up last week, and I found that witch hazel stopped the mad itching and kicked the healing process into gear. I would recommend it, however I also dabbed it with vasoline whenever I was home for an extended period of time, just to make sure the skin didn't crack and bleed.

Seemed to work, and you can get both those products for under $5 at any store. And they are natural and don't involve ingesting any weird chemicals that may be in Valtrex.

It works Comments By: Julie on 2010-09-25
I started using witch hazel a few years ago and it works great every time. Stops the process of the blister if you catch it on time.
just started the process Comments By: Jenifer on 2010-12-15
It feels good on my lip but I usually use tea tree oil with it which I have not heard of on here yet but it has worked numerous times for me cause I am very immune to cold sores for some reason. I have stopped cold sores many times by this process that I just figured out. First ice it for about half hour and while icing make some hot tea and leave the tea bag in there once it is warm enough for you dab tea bags on there for half an hour and keep switching between those two. then I use witch hazel (this time) and tea tree oil and just keep on ice and the oils. I also take vitamin c and super lysine so its gone within the day.
cold sore remedies. Comments By: Morrison on 2011-08-29
Cold sores are veryyy embarrassing.! Two days the little thing popped up.. and last night i was meeting my boyfriend's parents. I didn't tell him i had one just because ppl assume you have an STD when you say something. Notmention. Had a job interview today.though.! but anyways.. the past two days.. I've used peroxide, nail Polish remover, medicated lip balm, this antibiotic the cream n right now witch hazel.!!!! Witch hazel is best for anything as far as skin.. anything.! So yes i hope this tip works .. i know hoe i got it && its because I've been stressed n depressed. So run down.! Good luck..

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