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Calamine lotion . Tips to remove Calamine lotion stains

Calamine lotion is used to relieve itchy skin, to help when someone has the chicken pox or when someone has gotten into poison ivy or poison oak among other things.

If you have spilled a bit of calamine lotion in your carpeting, use these tips to get it out of your carpeting without leaving a stain.

Most likely you are catching this lotion right after is has spilled. Scrape up the lotion as much as you can with a butter knife, a plastic utensil, or even a plastic credit card.

Scrape and wipe the lotion on a towel, doing this a few times you will get the majority of the lotion out of the carpet.

Now to tackle the stain:Put a bit of rubbing alcohol on a clean cloth and dab the area where the lotion is still in the carpeting. If any color from the carpeting is on your cloth stop with the first rub!

If the color is not coming off onto your cloth, continue cleaning the area but using only small amounts of rubbing alcohol at a time until the stain is gone. Be sure to only blot and dab the area not rubbing the carpeting, as this will cause your stain to go deeper.

Another solution that you can use to bring calamine lotion stains out of your carpeting is to use a spray bottle with about three tablespoons of dish liquid in four cups of water.

Spray and dab the area until you have brought out all the stain, and then rinse the area using just water and a clean cloth to bring the soap out of the carpet.

For trace remains of a calamine lotion stain in your carpeting, use two tablespoons of peroxide in a cup of cool water. Spray this on the stain and let it sit for about an hour or two and then rinse with a spray of clear water and a clean cloth to lift out tougher stains.

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