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Glue � white. Tips to remove white glue stains on clothes and fabric

White glue, elmers or school glue on fabric and clothing is a stain that can be quite messy. Use these cleaning tips to get that white glue stain out of fabric so you can enjoy that great clean!

The first thing that you need to is scrape off as much of the glue that you can. Using a butter knife or your fingernails getting off all the white glue that you can without stretching the material would be best. You will be left with very little glue left on your material.

Soak your fabric in cold water. Soak it as long as you need until you get a chance to work with it. Be sure to use cold water so that the glue is not cooked on the fabric.

After soaking your fabric in the cold water, apply liquid laundry detergent to the stained area and rub in with your fingers or with a soft scrub brush. The glue will dissolve away.

Rinse your fabric again. Repeat as needed to remove any trace glue in the fabric.

Visitors comments

dihn't work-any other tips?? Comments By: Terri White on 2007-02-18
My son got glue from tuct tape on his tee shirt and I scraped it, then scrubbed it with laudry soap. It did not work. I am now searching for a solution. He has a game Wed. night. Glue is all over his Basketball Jersey. HELP!!!
gorilla glue Comments By: Terri on 2007-06-29
gorilla glue (yellowish - orange) spilt onto my floral jersey skirt at work. How do I get this out? Is it possible? It is a blue / white / black floral jersey material. Please Help!!!! Today is the first day I wore it.

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