Home : Laundry and Stains : Stains : A to Z of Stains : Beetroot : Beetroot stains from upholstery

Beetroot. Tips to remove Beetroot stains from upholstery

Upholstered chairs are one of the main victims of this stain, but beetroot juice stains should not alarm you because with this cleaning tip, you can work out that beetroot juice stain quick without leaving a residue behind!

When you first see the beetroot juice stain and it is still wet, you should soak up as much as you can with a paper towel or dishcloth.

If the stained area is dry, spray on just enough water to moisten the stained area and blot up as much of the excess liquid as you can. You will notice that some of the beetroot juice will come up with just water.

Keep wetting the area, no matter if the stain was fresh or old, and blotting the moisture out, removing the beetroot juice from the upholstery. Continue this until the stain is gone or you have removed all the beetroot juice that is possible with this method. Using a fresh towel you will notice when beetroot colored juice is coming out of the upholstery and onto your towel and when it is not.

Using a paper towel or cotton ball, wet the towel with hydrogen peroxide and then dab on the stained area. Continue to do this until you have removed all of the stain or the stain is no longer coming out of the material.

Rinse with clear water and blot until nearly dry.

Using the same steps above with the peroxide, repeat cleaning the stain but this time using ammonia on your towel, blotting and dabbing at the stain.

Rinse with cold water, dabbing and blotting the area until the stain is removed and clean or until you are no longer able to work out any more of the beetroot juice stain.

Blot the upholstery well, until it is nearly dry.

Apply a mixture of water and clear, bleach free liquid detergent. Spray this over the upholstery and blot off using a clean towel to remove any final remains of the beetroot juice stain.

Rinse with clear water until you have removed all of the suds. Leaving suds in the upholstery will attract dirt quickly after cleaning a stain.

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