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Homemade Bath Products

Your beauty and bath products can get to be expensive, but in order to pamper yourself, to make yourself feel great and to make your personal life a little nicer, beauty and bath products are often needed. In order to help you get through your day, to get the bath and beauty products you want and need the most, I am going to give you a few good starts on bath and products that you can make from home~! Cheaper, quicker, and best of all you don�t have to leave the house when you run out, you can just make more!

Making things for yourself at home, you will save money, you will save time in running to the store, and you are going to know exactly what is in your products at any time! Bath salts, and bath products are just a few of the products that you can make for yourself which we are going to discuss in this article, and you are going to enjoy immensely. 

After you get started making your own products at home for your personal use, you will find that it is really great to start making them as gifts for others as well. You can put your bath salts and home beauty products in jars or containers and give them as gifts to others for holidays or special occasions, all without costing too much so you can afford to give to everyone on your holiday list. 

One important thing to remember is that no matter what ingredients we are using in these recipes, you can feel free to change, add or simply take any one ingredient out. The thrill of at home beauty and bath products is that you can easily make anything that is more personal to your needs without losing out on the pampering of yourself.

One of your children�s favorite recipes is going to be the bubble bath that you let them use. You can easily make this bubble bath one with coloring by adding just a few drops of your favorite colored shampoo or you can find many oils are also available with a deep coloring mixture that will entice your children into taking a natural bath!

Using your favorite fragrance oil, use five drops in a quart container. In this container, then add a cup of grated or flaked castile soap. Mix in two teaspoons of glycerin and then add a half-quart of water. You don�t have to shake, just gently move the water in the container to get the ingredients to mix nicely. Pour as much as you want into your bath and sit back to relax. 

Simply bubbles is another type of bath that really isn�t all bubbles but uses you senses to enhance your time in taking a bath. You will find that your senses will come to life and you will enjoy your time in the tub more using this simple herb bath. 

What you will need is four tablespoon of you favorite herbs. This could be something that you grew in your garden or an herb that another person gave to you. With your dried and crushed herbs, add three teaspoons of your favorite oils that are going to compliment and be put in the container with your herbs. 

Add 16 ounces of water, and then add 16 ounces of organic cleanser. Organic cleanser is often just a cleanser for your face and skin that does not contain any type of chemicals. You can find this at your local herb or nature store. 

You will boil this mixture for about fifteen minutes. You will smell the herbs and the oil in the air as you boil it. Let it cool, and add to your bath water when you feel like a good soaking. If you want a stronger scented bath product, you could add a few more drops of fragrant oils after you have boiled the herbs when cooling. 

Vanilla is one scent that so many of us love. Vanilla scented baths are great for your senses and for your pleasure in relaxing. To make a vanilla bath, you will need about six ounces of your favorite unscented soap; this could be hand soap or shampoo. Add a few teaspoons of water to thin the soap out. Just a teaspoon or two is all you really need. 

Add six to ten drops of vanilla oil. The process is very easy, and you can keep this in a container by your tub if you like, so you have it on hand when you want to add a little scent to your bath. 

Vanilla is one scent that you can easily mix with others. If you want to add banana scents, lime scents, strawberry or raspberry, add a few more drops of oil of your additional favorite scent when you add the vanilla oil, and you will be very happy with the end results.

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