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: Garden and yard
Azaleas can flourish in your garden using these tips:
Bedding plants
When you are planting plants in the spring, be sure that the last ...
Buying flowering plants
When purchasing flowering plants, use this tip:
Cheap idea for bonsai tools
Check out this really cheap alternative to expensive bonsai tools
Check your soil
If you have recently moved, use this tip for checking your soil:
Christmas Cactus Tips
Christmas Cactus Gardening Tips
Clean your lawn and yard furniture
Here is a tip to help you clean your garden furniture
Cleaning white garden table tops
My mum unsuccessfully tried cream cleaner, bleach and a power washer ...
Clear grass from paths and paved areas
Here is a tip to clear grass from paths and paved areas where it just ...
Container plants
Keep container plants looking great using this tip:
Control Aphids
Here is some good advice for controlling aphids
Create a new garden
Start a new garden from any patch of soil
Storing cucumbers so they last longer is actually quite easy using ...
When growing cucumbers in the garden or in the house, use this tip:
Deter crawling insects like Vine Weevil
Keep crawling insects at bay with this simple idea
Drooping tulips
When you bring your tulips indoors and have them, take a sharp knife ...
Drying herbs
Dry your herbs from the garden with out having to worry about bugs ...
Dusting houseplants
Use this tip to dust off houseplants while keeping the kids busy:
Easy use of Shears
Here is a neat idea for the garden
Electric lawn mowers
Safety should be first when using an electric lawn mower or weed ...
Electrical garden equipment
Safety should come first when using electrical garden equipment:
Finding Time for Gardening
Do you find yourself hurried, always in a frazzle, wondering where ...
Flower box ideas
Make your own flower boxes quick using this tip:
Frugal Gardening
Part of the Tip King experience is cleaning, the sharing of ideas, ...
Garden pests
Get rid of garden pests and plants pests using this tip:
Garden supplies
Before heading off to buy gardening supplies try this tip:
Garden tools
Keep your garden tools from rusting during cold months using this ...
Healthier Tomato Plants with asprin
When planting tomato plants, put an aspirin beside the roots when ...
Homemade Plant food
Homemade plant food for your garden and house plants
House and Garden Natural Insecticide
Here is a recipe to make your own House and Garden Natural ...
Houseplant Dusting. Tips to dust your houseplants
Dusting off Houseplants can be easy with this great tip
Houseplant Soil
Keep your soil in your houseplants using this tip:
Hydrangea plant colors and tips
Hydrangea plant colors and tips
Keep house plants looking good
Here is a tip to keep your house plants looking good
Keep weeds down with newspaper
Keep weeds down in your garden using this quick tip:
Kill dandelions with salt
Kill dandelions in your yards with this tip:
Kill moss with bleach
Here is a tip to get rid off moss
Kill weeds with vinegar
Have a go at killing weeds with vinegar
Killing dandelions
Use your hoe to chop the root of the dandelion in half. dispose of ...
Knee pad
Make your own knee pads for gardening using this tip:
Lawns Tips for lawn maintenance
If you are a new homeowner or if you are looking to brush up on your ...
Grow leeks easily using this tip in your garden:
Long Lasting Cut (Stemmed) Flowers
If you want to preserve cut stemmed flowers like Lilacs etc., cut ...
Make your own plant labels and markers
Make your own plant and flower markers and labels
Making Compost using urine
Ever wondered how to make compost from grass clippings and urine
Patios: Get rid of moss stains
To get rid of moss on patios and steps all you need to do is brush ...
Use this tip to grow more peas in your garden:
Petrol engines on lawn mowers and garden machinery
Make sure your mower will start in the spring
Ph levels in your garden
Better gardens are grown using this tip:
Pots for sowing seeds
Start seeds in your home during the winter months using this tip:
Preserve Cut Flowers
For fresh cut flowers that you want to dry and preserve use one ...
Protect your plants from frost
Save your plants and flowers from frost using this tip:
Rose bushes. Tips and advice for Roses
Brighten up your rose bushes using this great tip!
Keep your roses growing using this tip:
Saving seeds
You can plan for your spring garden in the fall and save money. Take ...
Saving seeds
We all have junk mail that comes to our homes and office - using the ...
If you like your shrubs to be rounded and shaped use this tip:
Sick Plants, Give them a boost.
Tip for treating those sickly plants in the garden
Slugs and snails Get rid of them
Get rid of snails and slugs in the garden or lawn
Small seeds
Planting small fine seeds with success using this tip:
Speed up flowering buds
Make your buds bloom fast in a vase using this tip:
Stop animals digging in patio plants and window boxes
Stop squirrels or cats from digging in your patio pots and containers ...
Stop Weeds and Deter Insects
The plants and weeds have been allowed to grow over the winter months ...
Tips for growing Fuchsias
Keep your fuchsia's year to year with this tip
Tips for Preparing for Spring Gardens
Summer will fast be upon us and preparing for the spring growing ...
Trees near houses
Use this tip when planting a tree near your home:
Try using Borax as a Weed Killer
I have had stubborn weeds growing on my garden path for years, and up ...
Uses for aquarium water
Use aquarium water to keep your house plants thriving!
Watering hanging baskets
Here is a great idea for watering hanging baskets
If you have a problem with weeds in your gardens try this tip:
Growing over the winter months is easy with this tip:
Young trees
Use this tip when you are growing young trees in your landscape:
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