Home : Pets : Pet hair

Do you have pets in the home? You often find cat and dog hair clings to your upholstery but now you can take control.

 Cat hair removal made easy
 This tip is good for clothes and for lounge chairs etc. Buy a big ...

 Clip your dog
 I find an easy way to stop my dog shedding, is to clip her hair short ...

 Damp sponge
 A slightly damp sponge rubbed in the same direction as the grain of ...

 Easy removal of pet hair off carpet, furniture, etc
 For easy removal of pet hair off carpets, rugs and furniture. Dilute ...

 Liquid fabric softener
 You can also make it easier to lift pet hair if you use liquid fabric ...

 Olive oil
 One thing that you can do to help prevent your dog from shedding so ...

 Paper towel
 Here is a simple and easy way to deal with pet hair on your ...

 Pet hair on solid floors
 I have found that a paper towel attached to a swiffer mop pad works ...

 Remove Pet Hair from Carpet
 I have a Chow Chow. Her hair is insanely fluffy, long, and profuse. ...

 Remove pet hair from your clothes
 To remove pet hair from your clothes use cellotape to remove most of ...

 Removing Pet Hair From Upholstered Furniture
 Use a fabric softener sheet to wipe down the upholstery. This ...

 Rubber glove
 Do you have a clean rubber glove that you use for cleaning? The ...

 Using a thick tape - masking, scotch or strapping type anything thick ...

 Vacuum sweeper
 Another quick method to getting hair off of the upholstery is to use ...

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