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: Smells
Absorb moisture and smells
If you have a cottage or travel trailer, during winter storage, place ...
Absorb smells with coffee and lemon
Coffee grounds and squeezed lemons can kill odors.
Air freshners in the car
Instead of using expensive air freshners in the car stick a dryer ...
Ashtray odors
You can get rid of foul ashtray odours by covering the base of the ...
Bathroom odors
Here is a tip to combat the bathroom odours, odors
Bathroom smells
If your bathroom often smells musty you might be having a problem ...
Books. Remove the musty smell on old books
Here is a way to remove the musty smell on old books
Cars. Deodorizing Cars
Here is a tip to deal with odours in your car
Cat Litter. Fresh smelling cat litter
Here is a simple idea to keep your cat litter smelling fresher ...
Cat Urine Smell Removal from boots
I needed to remove cat urine smell from inside new Timberland boots! ...
Charcoal burning
One of the things that absorbs odor very fast is: I usually burn a ...
Cleaner, fresher carpets with baking soda
Sprinkle baking soda all over your carpet before you go to bed and in ...
Clothes. Musty smell on stored clothes
Keep clothes and other items from smelling musty using this tip:
Clothing. Remove odour on clothing
Fed up with smelly laundry? Have a look here
Confined areas. Odors in confined areas
Here is a tip to deal with odors in confined areas:
Deodorizing with Baking Soda
The deodorizing properties of baking soda? Bicarb, sodium bicarbonate
Diaper pails. Deodorize Diaper Nappy Pails
Here is a simple way to keep nappy and diaper pails fresh
Downy Fresh Homemade air freshener
Take an old fabreeze bottle (rinse it out well). Dump 1- 1/2 cap ...
Drains and waste disposal. Remove odors and smells from your drains and waste disposal
Baking soda will remove odours and smells from your drains and waste ...
Fish smells
You can eliminated the smell of fish from your hands by rubbing your ...
Free Air Freshening
Buy a four pack of Imperial Leather Citrus Twist Soap. Unwrap one bar ...
Freshen ashtrays
Got a smoker in the family? Place 1/2 inch of Baking Soda in the ...
Freshener get rid of the smell
When cleaning your bathrooms or kitchen put some essence in your ...
Garbage cans. Cut garbage can smells
Keep your garbage can smelling great using this tip:
Gas - Petrol. Remove the smell of gas from clothing
Here is a tip on removing gas petrol smells from clothing
General tips for removing smells
Here is a host of ways you can remove smells around the home
Hands. Remove smell from hands
Here is a tip to remove smells from your hands
Humidifier. Remove humidifier odor
Here is a tip to take the smell awway from your humidifier
Keep your waste can(s) smelling fresh
Using a fragrant dryer sheet in the bottom of your trash cans,(before ...
Kitchen cloths. Fresh smelling kitchen cloths or sponges
Here is a great way to remove odours from your kitchen cloths and ...
Kitchen drains. Smelly kitchen drain?
Here is a tip to get rid of a drain smell
Kitchens. Dealing with kitchen odors
Here is some advice to help remove kitchen and cooking smells
Laundry basket - hamper. Keep your laundry basket - hamper smelling fresh
Keep your laundry basket or hamper smelling sweet
Linen. Fresh smelling linen
Here is a tip to keep your linen smelling sweet
Making the restroom smell pleasant
Thread potpouri and hang it on the wall. You can use this to border ...
Microwaves. Fresh smelling microwave oven
Here is a really great solution to your microwave cleaning
Mosquito coils
Here’s a great tip that I stumbled on by accident. I was a rookie ...
odors coming from your kitchen drain
If you have odors coming from your kitchen drain, I will assume you ...
Onions. Eliminate onion odor
Here is a tip to help get rid of the smell of onions
Oven and stove odors
Here is a tip to help deal with oven and stove smells
Pet bedding. Deodorize Pet Bedding
Deodorize Pet Bedding Eliminate odors from pet bedding
Refrigerator. Fresh smelling refrigerator
Here is a good way to clean your refridgerator
Remove cigarette smoke smell
Try soaking your rubber and plastic items in a bleach/water solution ...
Remove musty smell.
To remove musty smell from closets or even books, place charcoal ...
Remove odors with kitty litter
To remove odors just place a pan of kitty litter or an opened can or ...
Removing odors from a room
Here's a tip for removing odors from a room: soak cotton ...
Removing odors from a room
Here's a tip for removing odors from a room: soak cotton balls in ...
Removing Odors From Closets
Try putting a bar of a nice smelling bar soap in the top of your ...
Removing odours, especially cigarettes
Another tip for removing odours, especially cigarettes, is to burn a ...
Room fragrance from artifical flowers
After you have arranged artificial flowers in a pretty vase, fill ...
Skunk smell in home
If you have the smell of skunk in the home. Buy any kind of incense. ...
Skunk smell in your home
Remove a skunk smell from your home
Skunk smells
No matter where you live or what type of home you live in, skunks are ...
Sneakers - trainers. Remove smelly sneaker - trainers odor
Here is a tip to take the odour away from smelly trainers and ...
Soot. Remove Fireplace Soot Odor
Use this tip to remove the smells from fire place soot
Stop your home smelling of your dog
Does your home smell of home or doggy?
To deodorize a bathroom or any small room
This tip is for households without children: To deodorize a bathroom ...
To get the smell of cigarette smoke out of your home
To get the smell of cigarette smoke out of your home. Try lighting ...
Tobacco smoke. Remove tobacco smoke odor and Nicotine stains
Here are a few tips to help clean nicotine and smoke
Trainers: Get rid of unwanted smells
If you are a regular exerciser, try to use two pairs of trainers and ...
Unwanted Lavatorial Odours
Striking a few matches and wafting them around so that they ...
Upholstery. Freshen and Deodorize Upholstery
Using baking soda will remove odours and smells from your upholstery
Vacuum. Remove vacuum cleaner odors
Here are a few tips to stop your vacuum cleaner from smelling so bad:
Vomit. Remove the smell of vomit from carpets
Here is a tip for removing the smell of vomit from your carpet:
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