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Vicks Vapor Rub for toenail fungus

Submitted by Lorna

Massage Vicks Vapor Rub on toenail and in a matter of days the toe nail will start turning dark in color.The dark color means the vicks is killing the fungus. As the toenail grows out you will cut the tonails and soon your tonails will not only look healthy but will be fungus free. My mother-in law told me about this and she was told to do this by her doctor.This works!

The following was sent in by Lyla

It works but takes all of 6 months - I suggest you keep a jar at the toilet. Ever time you sit down on your toilet, remove the sock from the foot that has the bad toenail, and apply Vick's to the cuticle of the toe. I did this for at least 6 months and it cured my nail.

My toe grew a new, healthy nail up under the old one w/o me realizing it. Months after I used Vick's I noticed all healthy growth at and above the cuticle line but I didn't realize the toenail was growing under the old one and pushing it out of place until it fell off one day, revealing a short but beautiful nail. I'm a believer in using Vick's for toenail fungus cure.

Visitors comments

Curious Comments By: Smp on 2006-08-05
If your toenail is already dark and discolored from the nail fungus and you're using the Vick's Vapor rub, how are you to tell that the rub is working? Seems most have experienced the toenail becoming darker. Does the toenail get darker first and then clear up or have the natural coloring?
Vicks for Toe Fungus Comments By: Rosemary on 2006-08-10
I've been using Vicks Vapor Rub Cream for three months now on both of my big toes and have seen a dramtic difference. It's been working for me and have been telling everyone to try it.
The 'cure'? Comments By: Anon on 2006-09-12
Distilled vinegar twice a day will have similar effects. Most important is not to miss an application.
Vicks didn't work for me Comments By: Disheartened on 2006-09-16
I have had a nail fungus on one of my big toes for years. I started using Vicks about tree years ago. My entire nail has come off twice, but as soon as it grows back, the fungus is still there. Don't be fooled into thinking you are cured after several months because it takes up to a year for a nail to completely grow back. I have a sensitive stomach or I would have gone to a podiatrist years ago to take the medication needed. Yes, the Vicks helps the look of the nail and you will think you are cured, but once you stop taking it, I guarantee it will return with the nail fungus there.
Vicks works Comments By: Jeanne on 2006-11-01
My great toenail was accidently ripped partially off, surgery took the rest off. I was told it would never grow back. But it did, deformed and fungal.It developed a black area at the base. My doctor told me to live with it. Someone told me about Vicks. I applied it 3 times a day for about 5 weeks.It slowly detached, and as it did I stuffed Vicks under the nail as well as around it. This morning I cut thru the white membrane type of tissue holding it on. This left this white tissue covering the nail bed. Should I continue with the Vicks or start using an anti fungal cream?
Re: Disheartened Comments By: Mom of twelve on 2006-11-07
you will get it back if you don't get new shoes cause it lives on in your shoes, so you really reinfect yourself.
Vicks works! Comments By: tammy on 2006-12-11
Both my Mom and Uncle had nail fungus and they stuffed it under their nails every night. My Mom had it on her thumb nail too so you really need to make sure it is right before you go to bed. The Vicks will melt down under your nail bed while you are sleeping. Both are free and clear so if you are willing to give it a try, this has no side affects and great results. You must be patient though and be consistent!
You need just a little more Comments By: Anon on 2007-01-10
I have been using vicks for my toenails, and they have been getting darker. I am waiting for them to look healthy again, but my podiatrist told me something I never thought of adding to the mix. Since the fungus is usually caused by a bacteria, make sure that your feet are clean and dry after your shower. If you have athletes foot, make sure you are working to get rid of that because that is where a lot of toe fungus comes from, and spray your shoes often with Lysol to kill any germs. Hope the extra suggestions help.
I was Skeptical Comments By: Rox on 2007-03-23
My son first got it at two years old because his father has it and it is very contagious. We tried everything nothing worked. We tried Lamisil and it was risky because it causes liver damage and under warning says you can die from taking it!! My grandmother recommended he try Vicks. I thought it was a dumb idea but I was willing to try anything to help my son's toe nails look better! it started darkening and now it is clear!! It is amazing. When I told his pediatrican he laughed like it I was lieing wierd how the doctor thinks it its a joke! I am suprised myself. His nails were very bad thick that the toe clipper couldn't get through and a musty yellow color. It has been 2 years that we've used it and only two toenails look like it still has a little fungus on it. Very impressed with the results!
Vick's Vapor Rub Appears to be Working Comments By: carolyn on 2007-04-05
Well, up until three years ago, I had never been bothered with dark toenails. One day I put my daughter's sandal on to go outside and check the mail,and vavoom! a few days later my nails turned dark. I was horrified. So I went online to read about homemade ointments that would clear it up. I saw Vick's Vapor Rub and I tried it and it really works. My toenail began to get clearer in just one week. I stopped using it and the darkness has reappeared. I will try using it a little bit longer this time.
i really hope this works Comments By: cathy on 2007-04-13
i started the vics last nite on my 2 big toes and the toe next to them. im taken my kids to florida in october and i hope to god i dont have to wear gym shoes on the beach. im gonna give it a week and see. then let my poor 18 year old daughter try it. ill be back in a week. r
Toenail fungus & Vicks Vapor Rub Comments By: Optimistic!!!! on 2007-04-13
I went to the doctor paid a $25. copay and only spent 15mins. for the doctor to tell me to use vicks Vapor rub on my toenail fungus which developed as a result of longstanding atheletes foot. I used it last night for the first time and haven't noticed any results but my doctor suggested that I use it once a day at night for 6 months in order to clear up the infection. Hope this works, but I am very optimistic about it!!! :)
?????SHOULD I WEAR SOCKS WITH VICKS????? Comments By: chandra on 2007-04-26
I'm starting to use vick's after many recommendations...but should I wear socks? I mean...I don't want them in the open 'cuz DUH...I'm embarassed by them and I don't want my loaded vick's feet walking everywhere and getting my sheets and stuff full of it. Is it ok to wear socks? and someone said get new shows 'cuz it grows in there...well you'll always have to get new shoes then...everyday..so I hear you should spray anti-bacterial stuff in there. ANY THOUGHTS??

TipKing says: Spraying your shoes is a good idea and I think that wearing socks is okay

what am I doing wrong Comments By: Judy on 2007-05-02
I have been using Vicks for about a month. The big nails are looking better, but I now have 2 other toenails on one foot that the nail is coming off. Please help. My nails never did turn dark.
does it really work? Comments By: jenny on 2007-06-18
have had nail fungus on my big toe and now is on another. Have tried tree tea oil and seems to make the nail very soft almost to come off then nothing happens. Is it going to be like that with Vicks?
help Comments By: suzie on 2007-06-19
I been using vicks vapor rub for 2 months now. I dont see any new toe nail growing out. But boths my 2 big toe nails are coming off. I get up each morning I notice more of the nail as gone, due to using vicks. Is it suppose to eat the nail down. will the nail be completely gone then the new nail comes out. someone please let me know if this is happening to anyone. let me know if this is good or not.
Vicks-Generic Brand Comments By: Arizona on 2007-06-21
I have been using vicks vapor rub the generic brand for about 2 weeks and applying it twice daily and I see results already, I cant wait until a couple of months and I am fungus free:)

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