Home : Health : Remedies : Sore throat

A sore throat can really get you down, so here are a few things you can use to take away the suffering.

If you are constantly suffering from a sore throat then you should look to the reasons why, rather than dealing with the symptoms. Here you will find information as to ways to soothe the pain and make life more bearable. If you are struggling on a long term basis, please, please seek medical advice. It is also said that eating raw garlic, raw onions, or even salty/spicy chips, and potent flavorings such as lemon, lemon oil, mint oil/extract, pepper, etc, can cause a sore throat.

 Bad throat. Tip to improve a sore throat.
 1. Look into your right palm, the thumb must face towards the ...

 Baking soda and salt
 For a sore throat, gargle with a glass of warm water containing ˝tsp ...

 My chiropractor advised lots of cinnamon sprinkled on honey in a ...

 Coca Cola
 Drink coca cola! Gets rid of the ache in your throat. Also, if you ...

 Drink Milk
 Drink cold milk for a sore throat.It will cool your throat.

 Gargling is best treatment
 Gargling with TCP, lightly salted water or even just plain ...

 Ginger cinnamon and honey
 I got this from my high school advisor, or all people. It works like ...

 Glycerin and lemon
 Use a mixture of glycerin and lemon and then take a couple of ...

 Honey and lemon
 Take a teaspoon full of honey and squeeze some lemon juice on ...

 Honey and vinegar
 To soothe a sore throat, mix equal parts honey and vinegar together, ...

 Hot Sauce is great for a sore throat
 Eating hot salsa (as hot as you can stand it) really helps with a ...

 Multi throat remedy
 I had a friend who lost her voice on a regular basis and said it ...

 Nuts will soothe a sore throat. Take a few almonds and mix them with ...

 Chew pieces of raw onion to relieve a bad cold or sore throat. Onions ...

 Put some warm water in a glass and mix with some salt. Put in your ...

 Sore Throat & dissolvable asprin
 If you have a sore throat, get some dissolvable asprin mix with water ...

 Sore Throat Relief with bleach
 I have terrible sinus allergies, which in turn makes for regular sore ...

 Sore throat? Use honey , lime or lemon
 If you have a sore throat, use honey and lime or lemon. Just put the ...

 Sprite for Sore Throats
 When I have a strep or a sore throat, I like drinking Sprite. I don't ...

 Believe it or not vinegar can ease the pain. Any type will do but ...

 Vinegar kills the bacteria
 Just mix 1/4 cup of vinegar with 1/4 cup of honey and take 1 ...

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