Home : Health : Remedies : Burns

If you suffer a minor burn there are quite a few things that you can do to help relieve the pain and speed healing. Have a look at the tips below for some relief from that minor burn.

 Baking soda for burns
 Here is information on Baking soda for burns, burnt skin

 Colgate toothpaste
 Did you know that Colgate toothpaste makes an excellent salve for ...

 Emergency Situations First aid advice
 At one time or another we may find ourselves in an emergency ...

 If by accident you burn your hand in the kitchen the best way to do ...

 Ice cold vinegar
 For skin burns apply ice cold vinegar right away for fast relief. It ...

 Jalapeno Pepper Burn Treatment
 I was recently burned after working with Jalapeno Peppers. After ...

 Lavender oil
 If you get a burn from anything - including the cooker, steam from ...

 Make up moisturizer
 Had a steam burn a couple of nights ago, and lost my aloe Vera gel. ...

 Milk of Magnesia
 Treat minor burns with Milk of Magnesia, or a paste of water and ...

 I have been in the resteraunt industry for 10 years and the one thing ...

 Pain from a burn
 A good way to alleviate the pain from a burn and to heal it quickly, ...

 Potato for burns
 Cut a raw potato, scrape flesh onto a knife and spread over burn ...

 Preparation H
 I recently burned the entire palm of my hand - fingers included and ...

 Pure lavender oil
 For minor burns put a couple droplets of pure lavender oil on the ...

 Tea bags
 For minor burns not requiring medical attention, try placing a wet or ...

 Tecnu for Jalapeno Pepper burns
 I recently ate a raw Jalapeno Pepper and I guess I must have licked ...

 Apply a small amount of toothpaste. This works great and will make ...

 Treating a burn with potato
 Take a potatoe cut it in 1/2 then get a spoon and scrape the cut side ...

 Use butter on a minor burn
 If you suffer a minor burn on your hand, put a generous load of ...

 When you touch something hot...
 As you're undoubtedly aware, the parts of the body which receive the ...

 Yellow mustard
 If you get a burn in the kitchen, water or grease, IMMEDIATELY put ...

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