Home : Health : Remedies : Warts

Warts are a problem especially for teenagers for some reason. Maybe one day someone will enlighten me. Here are a few tips that have been sent into the site. The tips below mostly refer to home remedies with items that you might normally find around the home. If none of these remedies help, you could look at finding a trusted natural wart removal product.

 Apple cider vinegar
 If wart is on hand or foot, soak in warm "apple cider vinegar" for 15 ...

 Rub the wart with the inside of a banana skin. The inside of the ...

 Bite them off
 I had about 23 warts when I was little, I talked to my doctor, and he ...

Dandilion wart cure for hands
 When a dandilion is in bloom, pluck off the flower a short distance ...

 Duct tape
 Another treatment that has been proven effective in a respected ...

 Facial Warts
 Swimming in a chlorinated pool helps get rid of facial warts.

 Try taping a slice of garlic to the wart. Be sure to first protect ...

 You can get rid of warts by rubbing them daily with lemon.

 Rub a cut onion on them and within a few weeks, they are completely ...

 Paint thinner, lemon juice and milk
 To remove a wart without seeing a doctor here is an easy mixture to ...

 Plantars warts
 For many many years I had struggled to get rid of 30 some-odd ...

 Potato skin
 Instead of using smelly garlic try using a potato skin. Peel the ...

 Power of Tape
 First take a piece of duck tape and put it over the wart. In a few ...

 Sell warts
 When I was young I once heard of the cure for warts where you get ...

 Soaked Pennies
 If you soak pennies in vinegar until the vinegar turns green and give ...

 Tea tree oil
 To get rid of warts. Use tree tea oil. This can be found in some ...

 Tea tree oil
 Use tree tea oil. This can be found in some grocery stores. Put it on ...

 Now, I heard that this is true, one of my friends tried it and it ...

 Vitamin e oil
 I have learned that to apply vitamin e oil every day maybe 2 times a ...

 Wart Remedy
 My 6 yr old daughter has had warts on her thumb since she was about 6 ...

 Wart removal with salt
 Cover the walt with wet iodized table salt and let it there. Do it as ...

 Wart removal with tea tree oil
 I tried the tip of Garlic, placed it on the wart - nothing happened. ...

 There is a new product on the market called Wartner it states that it ...

 When my sister had to go to the doc to get her wart removed, I was ...

 Warts and garlic
 All You have to do is put some garlic on the wart then put a bandaid ...

 Warts and potassium
 I have been plagued with warts for 9 years, tried every remedy ...

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