Home : Cleaning : General cleaning tips

 A clean sweep
 Do you ever get fed up with your dust pan and brush getting dirty ...

 Clean up with a toothbrush
 A toothbrush is great for cleaning

 Clean your cleaning clothes
 Clean your cleaning clothes using this tip:

 Cleaning out the Kids Rooms
 Here is how you can clean out the children's room without fighting ...

 Cleaning your walls, wallpaper, and total home
 Hi a long time ago i discovered a very inexpensive way to clean your ...

 Clutter in my attic
 By Cheryl Lewis

I am forever saving ...

 Drying out long neck containers
 To dry out containers quickly that have a long neck (Example: vase ...

 Four Methods to a Cleaner Living Room
 You can spend hours cleaning your home but still it looks like it is ...

 Heat marks and water rings on wood
 Here is tip to remove heat marks and water rings on wood

 Heres my tip on cleaning a smelly mop
 To remove lingering odours from your mop, simply place it in a bucket ...

 Home clear out
 If you are having a household clear out do it in December. Bin men ...

 Home made floor polisher
 Make your own wax applicator for polishing floors!

 Home made furniture polish and furniture oil
 Make your own furniture polish

 Homemade dry foam shampoo for kirby
 I have a Kirby vacuum/shampooer and have not been able to afford any ...

 Ink Stain. Removing ink from most surfaces
 There are quite a few tips for removing ink stains from all types of ...

 Jewellery cleaning.
 Here is an inexpensive tip for cleaning your jewelry:

 Keep dust away for longer
 Here is a great way to keep dust away for longer

 Clean up your older looking leather suitcases using this tip:

 Clean grease from leather using this great tip:

 Liquid hand soap
 Save money on liquid hand soap using this tip:

 Make sponges - dish scrubbers clean and long lasting
 I put my sponges and plastic dish washing scrubbers (secured)in the ...

 Make your own air freshener
 Here is a tip to make your own air freshener

 Make your own glass cleaner
 Here are a couple of tips for making your own glass cleaner

 Make your own strong household floor and wall cleaner
 Here is a receipe for home made floor and wall cleaner

 Microfibre cloths cut down the chemicals
 Invest in microfibre cloths (value are not as good). Use them damp ...

 Mildew or mold in a closet or cupboard
 Here is some advice to keep mold and mildew at bay in your bathroom

 Mildew or mould in your basement
 Here is some great advice to prevent and remove mildew and mould from ...

 Mold and Mildew. General advice
 Kill mold or mildew while freshing your home using this tip:

 Murphys oil
 Use Murphy's Oil soap on grease stains using this tip:

 Mustard Stains
 Do you love mustard but hate the stains? Try these tips!

 Nail Varnish - Polish Stains
 Here is a tip for removing nail varnish stains

 Natural Cleaning Spray
 We all enjoy the fresh, sweet smell of a home that has had a thorough ...

 Non Wax floors
 Keep your no wax floors looking great using this tip:

 Oil or grease on concrete floor, drive
 Clean up oil or grease from concrete quickly without staining using ...

 Pet mess on your carpet
 Had an accident on your carpet? Clean up your pet mess using this ...

 Pet stains
 Prevent those pet stains from staining your carpet using this tip:

 Prolong the life of your linoleum flooring
 Use this tip to prolong the life of your linoleum flooring:

 Quick fix for a grease spill
 Use this tip if you have a grease stain on your upholstery:

 Remove chewing gum
 Here is a host of tips for removing chewing gum from just about ...

 Remove hairspray from walls
 Here is a tip to help remove hairspray from walls and mirrors

 Remove marker pen marks
 Here is a couple of tips to remove permanent marker pen marks

 Remove milk spot stains
 Here is a tip to remove milk spots and stains

 Remove paint from carpets
 Here is a way to remove paint from your carpet

 Remove pencil marks from walls
 Here is a tip to remove pencil marks from walls:

 Remove rust and hard water marks from stainless steel
 Get rid of rust spots on stainless steel using this method:

 Remove tar from vinyl and linoleum floors
 Tar tracked into your home can be cleaned with a bit of patience ...

 Remove water spots from leather
 Here is some advice for the removal of water spots from leather

 Remove wax from a non wax floor
 Clean crayon off of your no wax floors fast using this tip:

 Remove Wax from Carpets
 Here is a solution to removing wax from your carpet with ease:

 Remove wax from cloth etc
 More advice on removing wax from cloth

 Remove wax from painted walls
 Here is a tip for removing wax from painted walls

 Remove wax on wood or smooth surfaces
 Here is a tip to remove spilled wax from candles on wood, glass or ...

 Removing paint stains
 Use these tips for removing paint stains

 Rubber gloves
 Using rubber gloves just got easier using this tip:

 Rug cleaner
 Give your rug cleaner an extra boost using this tip:

 SAFE cleaning products
 We clean with safe products that are purchased through a wellness ...

 Save your knees when Cleaning
 Use this tip if you need quick knee pads while cleaning the house:

 Scorched areas
 Do you have a scorched area that you need to brighten up? Try this ...

 Scuff marks and black marks on vinyl or linoleum
 Here is lots of help for removing scuff marks and black marks from ...

 Scuff marks on white trainers and nubuck leather
 Here is a simple way to clean Scuff mark, scuff marks on white ...

 Secure dustbin lids - Trash Cans and Compact your Trash
 Here are a couple of ideas for dealing with your rubbish and trash

 Seven Methods to Cut Out Garbage!
 Are you looking for ways to reduce the amount of garbage that your ...

 Shower curtains. Tips for cleaning shower curtains
 Clean your shower curtain fast using this tip:

 A wooden skewer or satay stick is an invaluable cleaning tool with ...

 Keep your sponges longer using this tip:

 Spring Cleaning Time
 So the time has come once again to say goodbye to winter. Before we ...

 Spring Cleaning – Start now!
 Our mothers were always frantic when it came time for ...

 Stainless steel sinks
 Clean stains out of your stainless steel sink fast using this tip:

 Sticky marks on wood furniture
 Sticky marks on wood furniture can be cleaned using this easy tip:

 Sticky spills
 Clean up sticky spills on the floor fast using this tip:

 Sweeping dust made easy
 Here is a tip to make sweeping dust easier

 Tea and Coffee stain from Worktops and Walls
 Clean coffee and tea stains from your counter worktops and walls

 Clean your toilet using this easy to use tip:

 Keep your tub smelling fresh all week long using this tip:

 Un-clog a blocked drain
 Here is a tip to unclog a drain

 Unclog a steam iron
 Here is some good advice for cleaning a steam iron

 Vacuum Cleaner Bags
 Changing the vacuum cleaner bag without dust!

 Vacuum Powder
 Try this simple idea to freshen up your carpet

 Strip old wax easily using this tip:

 White scorch marks on a table
 Here is a great tip if you have placed a hot item onto you table and ...

 Here are a few great general window cleaning tips:

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